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Tag: shoeing stock

*Claire’s Hooves*

*Claire’s Hooves*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Another post about Claire-Bear and her hooves….. I wish all my posts could be positive….. I wish Claire would heal….. …..neither one of those wishes appear to be realistic….. But the good news is…Claire isn’t acting any worse for wear….. She just keeps plugging along….. One hoof in front of the other….. Claire is inadvertently living out her own twelve-step program….. One day at a time….. Montana (our blacksmith) was here again…(it’s a…

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***Hoof Care Time***

***Hoof Care Time***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** I “think” we’re making headway with Claire’s hooves….. But when my vet doesn’t know…..and my blacksmith doesn’t either?…. …..then who am I to guess…..(?)….. Remember that weird semi-soft-semi-turgid-lumpy-thing that appeared on the outside of Claire’s hind right hoof? My blacksmith didn’t want to touch it…..he wanted me to show it to my vet….. I showed it to Doctor Stevie Wonder…..he said…

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Mani Pedi’s All ‘Round

Mani Pedi’s All ‘Round

The girls had their hooves done….. They have them done regularly….. Addy is a good girl…..but she probably weighs around two thousand pounds….. …..she acts dainty…..and petite….. …..but she’s not….. She’s exceptionally willing and compliant….. …..but I’m sure each hoof weighs about fifty pounds….. Our blacksmith manages….. He’s much stronger than he looks….. Poor…..skinny…..young…..amenable…..Montana….. …..we haven’t broken him…..yet….. …..but there’s still time….. I even forgot to give Claire her happy-gel (Dormosedan) ahead of time….. *****Dormosedan***** …..(chalk that one up to…

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Claire And The Angle Grinder…

Claire And The Angle Grinder…

Claire had her hoovies done again this morning… We’ve discovered that we can make better headway with her horrible hooves by using a cutting wheel on an angle grinder….. …..rather than the traditional rasp and nippers… It’s an unorthodox way of trimming a horse’s hooves….. …..but Claire is unique….. She absolutely HATES having her hooves done….. …..she hasn’t had good experiences with her hooves in the past…..I’m quite sure….. …..hoof trims have probably always been painful….. But here’s a twist……..

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One More Cold Day In Florida…….(?)

One More Cold Day In Florida…….(?)

…..if we’re lucky, we might eke out another mini-freeze……. …..and maybe with another very cold night, we will frost-bite a few more skeeters, for good measure……. …..I’m really hoping that will happen. …..I think we’re forecasted to go down to the high thirties……. …..usually that means (where we are here) we will get down a little lower……. …..I’ll happily take that. I’ve been sleeping with socks on in anticipation……. …..or maybe it’s just because I’m getting old and my circulation…

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Claire’s Nasty Hoofies

Claire’s Nasty Hoofies

We just finished trimming Claire’s hooves today. She’s the one with hoof canker……..real bad stuff… It’s most probably incurable. It most probably is her death knell. *****Equine Hoof Canker***** It’s not communicable… It’s just poor ole’ Claire’s problem…….in all four hooves. …..Hoof Canker is a nasty anaerobic organism……. I know I’ve said this before, but she so reminds me of Boxer from the book “Animal Farm”….. *****Boxer~~~The Work Horse***** …..he was the work horse that worked so hard supporting the…

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Mani/Pedi Time…….

Mani/Pedi Time…….

Our skinny, young farrier came this morning… His belt buckle still out-weighs him… I hope he hasn’t gotten into chewing tobacco yet… Normally that’s a must with blacksmiths & farriers here in the South… You can see the faded “ring” on the back pocket of their jeans where the Skol or Copenhagen can has left its mark… (being involved in sports medicine…….I just don’t get chewing tobacco…….our vet, Stevie Wonder does too…….I just don’t get it) But poor ole’ Claire…

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Claire’s Shoeing Stock—–Revisited—–Again.

Claire’s Shoeing Stock—–Revisited—–Again.

  The shoeing stock has been refurbished. It is almost completely set up with appropriate hardware and straps.   The dimensional lumber that I ordered and picked up has been used to replace the old, dry-rotted boards.   It really does look like something out of a dungeon from the Spanish Inquisition. I still need to contact an Amish hardware in Ohio for the necessary straps for securing the hooves to the support posts… Plus I believe I need either…

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