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Tag: DaVinci

Is There More Than One Way To Skin A Cat(s)?…

Is There More Than One Way To Skin A Cat(s)?…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I’ve decided there is a conscious feline group-effort to ruin my night’s sleep….. My younger daughter has her Papillon (Danny) with her on her bed…who stands guard…and refuses any cats entry into their bedroom….. My older daughter has her Jack Russell (Drogo)–(and a screen door)…and none of the cats can get into her bed…(and survive)….. But me(?)….. …..I’m not so lucky….. …..I’m free game….. Mine is the only duvet they have access to…mine…

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*Chimney Repair*

*Chimney Repair*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Yep…our chimney’s needed some prompt attention for quite some time now….. Replacing the chimney cap can’t be put off any longer….. We used to be a one bucket family….. But now we’ve progressed to being a two bucket home….. And…I’d like to point out that during rain storms…the rainwater runs down the chimney…across the hearth…and onto the den floor in a sooty-slurry….. …..messy stuff….. …..(however…it does have a nice after-burn/creosote smell to it…I…

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Cleaning the Fireplace

Cleaning the Fireplace

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* I’ve officially given up on a roaring fire for the next few months….. …..or more….. It’s hard feeling in the mood for a roasty/toasty fire when it’s in the 90’s or above ….. Before cleaning out the ashes for the coming summer….. …..I was able to eke in a couple small morning fires recently this last week….. It actually got down to 58F degrees one night….. … rule is……..

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~~Kitty-Kat-Um Commune~~~

~~Kitty-Kat-Um Commune~~~

In the sixties and seventies….. …..communes were a big deal….. …..eating together…bathing together…meditating together…sleeping together… …..everything was tie-dyed and together….. …..there were sit-ins…and bed-ins (the Lennon/Ono one)…the Summer of Love…and lock-ons…..(***Remember What A Lock-On Was?*****) I think I’ve mentioned before that I was living in New Jersey at that time….. …..and I remember having the opportunity & being asked to go to this outdoor concert-thing in up-state New York….. …..I picked staying home and go horseback riding instead….. …..hmmmmm….. But…

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*****The Chillies*****

*****The Chillies*****

~~~~~~~Happy Belated Ground Hog Day~~~~~~~ Punxsutawney Phil did indeed see his shadow….. …..sooooooo…..six more weeks of winter(?)…..(I guess)….. ~~~~~Punxsutawney Phil~~~~~ This has been a great winter to indulge in my semi-pyromania….. I’ve cleaned up the backyard…..and the front yard….. … I’ve started on the goat’s pasture….. This has all been a clean-up mission of two years of blown down stuff from all of the trees….. Unidentifiable mosses…Palmetto fronds…squirrel-decimated pinecones (just to get things rolling)…Spanish moss…just about anything I can get…

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One Cold Day In Florida

One Cold Day In Florida

We Had A Hard Freeze!!! Tra!  La! Take that mosquitoes! I don’t think we’ve had a hard freeze for the past two winters at least… We need at least one a winter to kill off the green-gooies that get to thriving in the heat and humidity down here…….(witness Ben’s head). And the mosquito population has been growing each year exponentially. As an aside…….did you know that we have elected officials who head up our Mosquito Control Division? ***Our Elected Mosquito…

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Green Quarters

Green Quarters

Should quarters be green…………………..? …….I really don’t think so…   You know how you have that jar of coins where you toss extra change? I recently had to move my coin jar for cleaning. I thought it was odd that so many of the coins inside looked green. So I investigated……………………………………………………………………………..sigh… They were green…….and some were white & corroded…   But most were green………….and moist…………..(moist coins?……..that’s never good—–right?) ………….(you know I sniffed them)………….but, they did NOT smell of cat pee….

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DaVinci Came Home

DaVinci Came Home

  Heh,  Heh,  Heh……………..   Oh, who’s a poor kitty? Yes, you are! Yes, you are!     Aaaaaawwwwwwww…………………….. NOPE………………not really one bit……………… DaVinci…………… glad you have absorbable stitches……………..because I would have gladly been inclined to pull them through with the knots still intact……………. But you’re not………………… …………………intact!……………… HA!      I just made a neutering joke!!! Pay backs, DaVinci……………………… backs… You had a flamboyantly expressive urethra……………………but I wielded the credit card……………….the-final-club-of-judgement……….!   HA!  Scan that!!!   Just a little…

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