To Bamboo…..Or Not To Bamboo…..

To Bamboo…..Or Not To Bamboo…..

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Well…that’s the question…..

We’ve started having people leaning over the front fence trying to feed and attract the horses to come closer…..

In the past…..I was cool with that…..

…..not so much anymore…..

…..I’m sure you remember…..four years ago we lost so many (9) of our horses (our friends) to poisoning…..

~~~”The Final Report”, Blog-Post~~~

~~~”It’s Not Over Yet”, Blog-Post~~~

R.I.P. Becky

We never really got a clear-cut answer about HOW they were poisoned and killed…..

…..but it was Botulism Type-B poisoning…..

R.I.P. Sonja

Botulism poisoning is a confusing combination of a lot of factors… only takes a very small amount to kill a horse…..(the size of the top of a pencil eraser)…..

R.I.P. Magick & Mystic


So you see…..I’m not real open to the idea of suburban people driving out to the country to coax our animals closer to feed and pet them…..

Violet & Bennett R.I.P.

I’ll be blunt…..I don’t trust them…..

Fool me once…..shame on you…..but fool me twice………….yeah……..

R.I.P. Annie

So what to do with the uninvited/urban/suburbanites…..I can’t be out there 24/7…..

I’ve been told that shouted obscenities are frowned upon…..not to mention well-aimed sling-shots or 12-gauges…..

Ruby R.I.P.

So what’s a paranoid-farmer to do…..(?)…..

… first thought was…..a thick bamboo perimeter…..

R.I.P. Bell

… friend Doctor Brigid has bamboo around her property…..the same urban/suburbanites were deterred from bothering her llamas and goats…..because of the foreboding/thick foliage…..

But…..she has sunny/well-cleared property…..and I have a murky/soggy swamp…..

…..not so good for healthy growing bamboo…..

BUT…..native/prickly/thorny/tall/dense blackberry bushes… that might just be the ticket…..!…..

… I’m doing my research…..

It looks like blackberry bushes like sun…..and semi-sun…..and sometimes shade…..

…..and they like drought…..and rain…..and they don’t like being bothered by overly-keen horticulturalists…..

…..(so that one’s easy…..I’ll plant them and ignore them)…..

…..the berries would be nice…..but it’s really the bushy thorns I want…..

…..(anti-social much?)…..


…..that’s my next project…..(I’ll let you know how it turns out)…..

…’s not that I don’t like people…..

…..oh wait…..

…..I don’t like people…..






#poisoning #botulism #florida #horses #farm #bamboo #blackberrybush #thorns #swamp #12gauge

2 thoughts on “To Bamboo…..Or Not To Bamboo…..

  1. Florida Wild Lime does well in shade, some dampness. I used it for mean intrusive neighbors and it does the job. It also attracts giant swallow tails! The thorns are treacherous and it grows quickly once established. They were very affordable. I haven’t bought any recently.
    We planted 250 feet with 30ish half gallon containers. They grew big and knarly with in couple of years. Ours were over 25 feet high by over 10 ft wide. I highly recommend.

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