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Tag: Winn-Dixie

*It Happened Again*

*It Happened Again*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** The Summer Solstice just occurred…(again)….. …..I’ve noticed………….it’s an annual thing….. *****(The Earliest Summer Solstice in 228 Years)***** I enjoy all the seasonal hallmarks…it’s a reliable march through the year….. *****(Brief Explanation of the Seasonal Hallmarks)***** I extra like the Summer Solstice…because it marks the turning point…and the beginning of the shortening of days….. Maybe most people like when the days get longer…I’ve always liked when they get shorter….. … me weird….. *****(Today is…

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*The Coming Steam*

*The Coming Steam*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* We try to get up early…… For the past months it’s been a regular routine…get up…open up the house…let in the morning air…and let out the night time staleness (i.e. slumbering hound flatulence)….. I’d like to say…I would be comfortable leaving the windows open all night long…but I’m not….. Some of the house’s windows are low…and too close to the outside ground….. Some of the windows have been replaced in the house where…

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~Easter Is Just Around The Corner~

~Easter Is Just Around The Corner~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Sunday will be Easter….. The dinner and the baskets have been planned….. If you’re thinking we’re a little old for Easter baskets….. You’d be wrong….. They are hidden better…and harder to find….. … younger daughter still believes in the Easter Bunny…and that’s all the excuse I need….. So Easter is in full swing here….. There will be multiple Easter baskets…filled with jewel-colored grasses and treats….. Of course they’re packed with (a little) less…

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The Meat Department…Revisited…

The Meat Department…Revisited…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Our local grocery store is at it again….. The Winn-Dixie Meat Department has put SHRIMPS on sale!….. …..the big ones…the small ones…the ones in between….. *****(Bubba Talking About Shrimp in the Movie Forrest Gump)***** And my quest for the excessive accumulation of proteins continues….. Winn-Dixie…you vex me so….. You little shrimpy bottom-feeding bastards…I do love you….. Both of my daughters were born and raised in sunny sub-tropical Florida….. They learned how to peel…

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Showdown at the Meat Counter

Showdown at the Meat Counter

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* It’s that time of year….. Our local grocery store is having it’s annual Holiday Sales….. It starts with Thanksgiving…and runs through December…to the New Year….. First turkeys are on sale…then beef…as well as scallops…along with shrimp of various sizes…peeled or unpeeled…pre-cooked or raw….. It’s weeks and weeks of a veritable Protein-Extravaganza….. Protein-ous foods and I are the best-est of friends….. …..don’t get me wrong…I love a well-placed carb….. …..But Protein Rules Supreme…. …..and…

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***Cassava Pone Cake***

***Cassava Pone Cake***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* My older daughter likes to bake….. She has a friend of Trinidadian decent…and he’s been showing her some of his family’s island recipes….. *****(Wikipedia on Trinidad & Tobago)***** The first one she tried was Cassava Pone Cake….. *****(What Makes a Pone a Pone?)***** What’s neat about Florida…is the cross-section of people….. …..I love the cross-section of foods offered in the local grocery stores….. …..they cater to a lot of varied ethnicities…so the cooking…

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~~~To Fry…or…To Roast~~~

~~~To Fry…or…To Roast~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* …..That Is The Question….. There are nuances to take into account….. With oven roasting a turkey in the kitchen…you get the aroma, get the ability to relax (while the bird is in the oven)…… …..and you get the stuffing….. But with frying…you get the guaranteed moistness…and the crispy crispy skin….. …..(I’m all in for the epidermis)….. *****(Deep-Frying Turkey Suggestions)***** But I do like the stuffing after hours inside a roasting bird….. …..Decisions…Decisions…Decisions….. Here’s…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** …..much like me…I’m sure there are a couple of you out there…who are wondering….. What’s an Armitas?….. …..a couple years ago…(well maybe more than a couple)…I discovered their existence….. In a nutshell…they’re short chaps….. I already have some half-chaps…which allow me to ride in blue jeans and (God forbid) tennis shoes (I draw the line at flip-flops)….. Half-chaps turn a person’s lower legs into quasi-riding boots….. …..with just a couple snaps or Velcro…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Geez!…Louise!….. What happened to November…..?….. November flew past at warp speed….. My wake-up call was the Winn-Dixie grocery store’s weekly-flier that came through in the mail….. I immediately zeroed in on the 49 cent per pound Frozen Turkey Sale….. …………………(maybe you remember how I get about meat that’s on sale)………………… ……………..(I get giddy…I arrange & re-arrange my freezer (to make more room)…………….. ………….like an addict…I hide the excess meat that I sneak into…

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*Indiscretions and Ice Cream*

*Indiscretions and Ice Cream*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s time to get realistic…..(again)….. I’ve been partaking for far too long with far too much over-indulgence in ice cream….. I’ve become a miscreant of the frozen food aisle of our local Winn Dixie grocery store….. …..Blue Bell… haunt me so….. You’re easily stack-able in our freezer….. …..your containers make good use of the space (that would otherwise be taken up by unnecessary frozen vegetables)….. …..and thus maximizing the availability of the freezer…

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