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Tag: Storm Trooper

~~~Trooper’s On A Diet~~~

~~~Trooper’s On A Diet~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** When we first got Trooper…he was skinny….. Actually he was a mess….. A good friend had found him and seen his condition and needed to find him a home….. … she called us….. We needed a buck at that point………….the timing was perfect….. Storm Trooper is a registered Saanen dairy goat…he had been a 4H or FFA (Future Farmers of America) project…but somewhere along the way…Trooper hit hard times….. When he arrived on…

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~l’Odeur de Goat~

~l’Odeur de Goat~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* My younger daughter has daily chores and responsibilities….. In the morning…she feeds the geriatric turkey hen…the Mama rabbit…an assortment of French Black Copper Maran hens…and Brave….. Brave gets fed his breakfast bucket…high up in a pail that is clipped to an eye bolt in the trunk of a pine tree….. …..his bucket is placed up high for a reason…because he is a tall boy and reaching it is not a problem….. …..and because…

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*Lots Of Baby Goats*

*Lots Of Baby Goats*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* When it rains………….it pours….. Well…along with the arrival of Killian’s litter…the goats started kidding….. …..and kidding…and birthing…and kidding….. Remember the post where I wrote about Trooper being in a stall with a damaged door…and that hole kept getting bigger…and bigger….. And it was over-looked…and ignored…and over-looked some more….. And finally…Trooper just walked through it?….. And then he romped and had fun with ALL the ladies?….. …..we weren’t 100% sure that Trooper was fertile……..

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*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I think I’ve mentioned in past posts that a farm is mostly a matriarchal system….. Stallions…Bucks…Boars…Roosters…Drakes…are all necessary…don’t get me wrong….. …..well…I don’t know about roosters…at least our roosters….. Our roosters all crow their faces off during the wee hours of each morning…I swear they’re all on Central European Time….. *************Get With The Program Guys************* But it’s the Mares…Does…Sows…Hens…and Ducks who produce the foals…milk…piglets…and eggs….. Don’t get me wrong…I fully appreciate the Birds…

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*Gateway Goat*

*Gateway Goat*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* *****Hey—If you tried to read my post from Monday (11/13/23)—the button doo-dah didn’t work on the email-thingie—I don’t know why—I’ve paid my WordPress bills—I’ll call my IT-Guy (my older daughter) and see if she can help—(It’s above my pay-grade)***** You might think goats are cute….. A lot of people do….. Some might think it’s relaxing to do yoga with them…(I still can’t wrap my head around that one)….. When I was young…we raised…

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*Small Farm Problems*

*Small Farm Problems*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Is this a problem for us…(or a boon for Trooper?)….. …..(you decide)….. There are so many problems that can and do occur in rural life….. …..things that begin as mini-oddities…flicker into a tiny awareness….. …..flourish quickly into healthy problems…(which can no longer be over-looked)….. …..and in less than a nano-second….. …..they can become world-altering disasters….. Such is a rural life in sunny sub-tropical Florida….. I’m sure all of my friends out there with…

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*Storm Trooper*

*Storm Trooper*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** We have adopted “Storm Trooper”….. He was an abandoned Saanen buck….. It’s unfortunate…but those things do happen…(too often)…in and around farming….. …..and unfortunately it happens more to males than to females…because on a farm…what the males have to offer…is very specific…(and not always needed)…(and not all the time)….. The girls have babies and make milk…and if you let them…they do that quite often….. The boys do make babies…but then after that limited time…

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