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Tag: fireplace

***Fireplace Flue***

***Fireplace Flue***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I know our fireplace needs to be checked out….. But…I don’t know what I’m looking at….. I need to invest some more time on YouTube…and see what extra tidbits I can learn….. I AM collecting chimney-jargon….. …..up-draft…down-draft…shiny creosote (versus other creosotes?)…smoke shelf…T.S.P. (trisodium phosphate)…damper…flue…chimney cap…and the National Chimney Sweep Guild….. Probably that last one…is the one I should try really hard to remember….. They have a website where you can search for qualified…

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***Cold Snap—Tra La***

***Cold Snap—Tra La***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It was cold when we got up yesterday morning….. …..some weather changes came through in the night….. …..and it made things cold…(well…cold for Florida)…it was a Snap!….. …..A Genuine Cold Snap!….. It was even colder this morning…we were in the 40’s F….. … Raynaud’s Syndrome kicked into gear in my hands….. …..(What’s Raynaud’s Syndrome?)…(I prefer to call it “cadaver-fingers”)….. I ignore it…I think it’s connected with my fibromyalgia….. …..Whatever….. But…with a Cold Snap…there’s…

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Why?~~~Why Do Horses Rub?

Why?~~~Why Do Horses Rub?

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I don’t get it….. This is the coolest time of the year here in balmy/sub-tropical Florida….. This is the time of year when the bugs (and snakes and stuff) are at their lowest-activity-level….. “One” would think that the “irritants” to a horse would be at a minimum….. “One” would think that…..”One” would…..Right?….. …..But Noooooo!….. Addy…..for no reason at all….has decided to rub a 4″ x 4″ oozing/raw patch on the side of her…

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Cleaning the Fireplace

Cleaning the Fireplace

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* I’ve officially given up on a roaring fire for the next few months….. …..or more….. It’s hard feeling in the mood for a roasty/toasty fire when it’s in the 90’s or above ….. Before cleaning out the ashes for the coming summer….. …..I was able to eke in a couple small morning fires recently this last week….. It actually got down to 58F degrees one night….. … rule is……..

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*****The Chillies*****

*****The Chillies*****

~~~~~~~Happy Belated Ground Hog Day~~~~~~~ Punxsutawney Phil did indeed see his shadow….. …..sooooooo…..six more weeks of winter(?)…..(I guess)….. ~~~~~Punxsutawney Phil~~~~~ This has been a great winter to indulge in my semi-pyromania….. I’ve cleaned up the backyard…..and the front yard….. … I’ve started on the goat’s pasture….. This has all been a clean-up mission of two years of blown down stuff from all of the trees….. Unidentifiable mosses…Palmetto fronds…squirrel-decimated pinecones (just to get things rolling)…Spanish moss…just about anything I can get…

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Eau d’ What…..!!!…..

Eau d’ What…..!!!…..

This is Florida’s (short) annual-cold-snap….. We’ve had a series of days with chilly weather….. I’ve been successfully burning two year’s worth of wood from the backyard….. …..there was a lot of damp/pithy/spongy/dead/nasty/wood that has dropped from the trees back there….. …’s not the best firewood….. …..but it’s burn-able….. …..and quasi-ignitable…..(with the appropriate application of the necessary incendiaries)….. …..not the best of BTU’s…..but it’s enough….. …..I’m not picky….. …..I’ve got a nice roasty-toasty fire in the fireplace…..warming the house….. …..I’m successfully…

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~~~I Love My Fireplace~~~

~~~I Love My Fireplace~~~

The weather dropped from eighty degrees to thirty degrees in only twenty-four hours….. …..gotta love Florida….. …..apparently there was a frost….. …..I missed it…..(my feed guy told me)….. I am glad it’s finally cool enough to actually enjoy riding and not continually worrying that my horse is going to melt under me….. It seems like everyone has sprouted a winter coat overnight….. …..even Anja…..(again)….. …..who I have body-clipped once this fall already….. …..but she’s a Norwegian Wooly Mammoth Fjord Horse…

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To And Froe…….

To And Froe…….

I want one of these things… *****A Froe***** Why won’t my computer let me type this word? It’s a real word… *****Froe Definition***** It has a real definition… Froe.  Froe.  Froe.  Froe.  Froe.  Froe.  Froe.  Froe… …..I want one. …….we’ve previously established that I am a not-so-latent pyromaniac… …….I just like fires and smoke…….I don’t like to burn important things…….except for maybe my fingers & (on occasion) my eyebrows… I currently smell like smoke from working with my bees this…

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Designer Logs

Designer Logs

  Esther gave me a fireplace log-in-a-bag. Who knew!?!             Ignitable logs in bags(?) ……………..Esther handed it to me in a Dillard’s bag (hence the “designer log” name/Esther shops at Dillard’s a lot/I’m more of a GoodWill shopper). The log had extensive, multi-lingual directions. It told me what to do and warned me against the obvious. Of course, I ignited it immediately and started it burning.   The darn thing even had a burning duration…

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First Fire

First Fire

  Last year I think our first fire in our fireplace was earlier. It could have been earlier this year…………if I had just gotten everything organized a little sooner. I have been accumulating palmetto sticks and wood piles and brush piles all over this property………………in anticipation of burning them when it gets close to cold enough. Good wood; bad wood; aged wood; wet wood; green wood……………..I’ll burn anything……………(but, no pine). (Pyromaniacs are like that…)   The wood’s out there…………………it beckons…

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