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Tag: Clydesdale

Moving Forward…..

Moving Forward…..

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** So…I’ve started looking for a new Clydesdale or Shire mare….. … heart’s not in it….. …..I miss Addy….. I’ve gotten her bloodwork back….. It was the blood that Stevie Wonder (our Large Animal Vet) pulled right before we put Addy down….. I haven’t gone over it with him yet………….there’s obviously no rush….. What I have done…is call and set up an appointment with a surveillance camera company that we’ve researched….. …..they are going…

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***Claire and the Birds***

***Claire and the Birds***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Claire’s our rescued Clydesdale…..she doesn’t move much….. She’s taking her retirement very seriously….. Her boniness and bad hooves are taking a rest….. Claire is one of the hardest horses to get weight on and even harder to keep it on….. She likes her food…..she gets supplements and good hay daily….. …..she does have some mysterious lip issues that slow down her…

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***Junk Food~~Commercials~~and Super Bowl LVI***

***Junk Food~~Commercials~~and Super Bowl LVI***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Yep…..the Super Bowl LVI was yesterday….. I was only there for the commercials…..and the junk food….. …..and not in that order….. It was a planned attack….. …..well-orchestrated….. The shopping list was sketched-out with more precision than a quarterback’s instructions….. …..the attack on our Winn-Dixie was succinct…well-planned…and drilled to perfection….. … younger daughter and I went over the variables… or name-brand?….. ……

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*Claire Care*

*Claire Care*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Claire’s a funny onion….. She has a quirky personality and an odd sense of humor….. …..over the years…..I’ve found…..most Clydesdale’s do….. …..(I’m still mad at Addy…..that was a cruel prank with your sucker-punch kick)….. …..(just not cricket…..Addy…..and not an itty-bit funny)….. …..(and yes…..I’m still stewing/glowering/& gimping)…..(and I haven’t forgiven you yet)….. But Claire…..she has more than enough character for her pretty-petite-pony-ness……..

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