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Tag: blacksmith

*Addy And Her Abscess*

*Addy And Her Abscess*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Horses get hoof abscesses…they occur for a bunch of reasons….. Usually they’re not considered an insurmountable problem….. …..they can be treated and healed….. But they are dramatic….. An otherwise sound horse can be dead-lame in the blink of an eye….. I had thought that we had the abscess under control after the last blacksmiths visit….. …..apparently not…or maybe this is a new one?….. …..whatever it is…it still needs treating….. Addy’s not a light-weight…even…

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*It’s Mani~~Pedi Time*

*It’s Mani~~Pedi Time*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Not only was it Mani-Pedi time…but we were also over-due for hoof trims….. On the plus-side Claire was the best I’d ever witnessed her at picking up her feet for our blacksmith Montana….. Claire’s not fractious…or vicious…or mean in her dissent….. …..she’s just a pro at locking her leg joints and turning them into cement-support pillars….. She totally refuses to lift her feet….. Perhaps her compliance this time…might have been because the lock…

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***Hoof Care Time***

***Hoof Care Time***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** I “think” we’re making headway with Claire’s hooves….. But when my vet doesn’t know…..and my blacksmith doesn’t either?…. …..then who am I to guess…..(?)….. Remember that weird semi-soft-semi-turgid-lumpy-thing that appeared on the outside of Claire’s hind right hoof? My blacksmith didn’t want to touch it…..he wanted me to show it to my vet….. I showed it to Doctor Stevie Wonder…..he said…

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***Another Blacksmith Visit***

***Another Blacksmith Visit***

We’re making headway….. Yesterday our young blacksmith arrived bright and early….. Addy…..Anja…..and Claire were on the agenda….. Addy was good as gold…..just very, very heavy gold….. …..she lifted up all of her hooves when asked….. …..but working on her hooves and hefting her legs is a bit like “tossing the caber”….. *****Scottish Sport***** The adjective “diminutive” is not applicable to Addy….. Nothing about her is petite….. Montana (our farrier) DID discover that poor ole’ Addy very recently had blown some…

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Hopeful Headway With Claire’s Hooves

Hopeful Headway With Claire’s Hooves

Well, damn……. …..our skinny blacksmith (Montana)… know the one who’s belt buckle is big enough to tip him over? …..he came out the other day……. …..and he worked on Addy……. …..she’s huge…..she’s heavy…..but otherwise, she’s not a challenge when trimming her hooves… …..she’s just a massive project… Montana also did Claire’s front hooves……. I always suck in and hold my breath for that project. …..Montana ran out of steam…..he said he’d come back next week to do Claire’s hind hooves……..

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One More Cold Day In Florida…….(?)

One More Cold Day In Florida…….(?)

…..if we’re lucky, we might eke out another mini-freeze……. …..and maybe with another very cold night, we will frost-bite a few more skeeters, for good measure……. …..I’m really hoping that will happen. …..I think we’re forecasted to go down to the high thirties……. …..usually that means (where we are here) we will get down a little lower……. …..I’ll happily take that. I’ve been sleeping with socks on in anticipation……. …..or maybe it’s just because I’m getting old and my circulation…

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