On Down The Road

On Down The Road

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Just like the recent over-population of pigs…..

We now have an over-population of goats…..

…..the herd needs “thinning down”…..

If you want to sound cool in rural-lingo…..it’s referred to as a “herd-reduction sale”…..

…..what that really means is…..we didn’t plan this right…..and now we’ve got way too many goats…..!……

So now we are having to deal with our own “goat herd reduction”…..

…..we’re not selling them…..

…..they’re going to the butcher’s…..

…..or in code….. “on down the road”…..

If they had made good goat-choices and stayed inside our rusting/rotting/nasty/non-electrified fencing…..then we could have put off this inevitable/up-coming trip…..

…..but they ALL have been making bad choices and they’ve started wandering the neighborhood…..

…..never a good decision…..

…..especially not good…..when you have pernicious/yucky neighbors…..

…..(I always try to be benevolently/open-minded)…..(but they’re the worst)…..

…..(the other (good) neighbors…..I give our free-range chicken eggs)…..

…..(I’d like to egg the bad neighbor’s beige/suburban-mobile…..or maybe just play a little Monster Truck)…..

…..(remember I’m post-menopausal with an attitude)…..

But I digress…..

…..back to the goats…..

My Older Daughter corralled them (temporarily) in the horses’ round pen (to contain the little darlings and stop their neighborhood promenade)…..

…(Irma as a baby)…

…..Irma immediately climbed out…..

…..I believe we have between eight to ten…..all does and one wether (castrated buck)…..

Boer Goat…(Optimus Prime)…

We’ll be keeping two Boer-crosses and three Dairy-crosses…..

…..two more wethers (who are in a stall with Professor Dillamond) will be going “on down the road” with the round-pen/goat-cache…..

Professor Dillamond,  Irma  &  Snickers…

It’s quite the organizational extravaganza…..

…..(to be continued)…..






#dairygoat #meatgoat #boergoat #roundpen #goats #butcher

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