While You’re Busy Making Plans……………..

While You’re Busy Making Plans……………..



*****Poisoning Warning For Pets*****

This is more of a warning than a posting……………

We had a tragedy and lost one of our Irish Wolfhounds to accidental poisoning.

Danny & Fey




“Mimzy My Fairy Fey”



I was prescribed a product called Fluorouracil.  It’s a cream in a tube used for topical, pre-cancer skin-spot treatment.

*****CAUTION—Poisonous to Animals*****

Given all of the sun here, it’s used a lot in Florida especially for old, sun-baked, dried-jerky like me.

Willow, Fey, & Ben

I’ve had the tube on my kitchen counter since the beginning of the year.

I hadn’t gotten around to opening the box until recently.

Finally, I figured May was a good time to start.

No biggie.  I procrastinate all the time…

*****Description of Pharmaceutical & Usage*****

I kept the tube in its box on the bathroom cabinet counter next to the new tube of Pepsodent (in its box too).

Killian & Fey

We kept the dogs inside while my younger daughter and I went out to do barn chores (snake-season is beginning).

Apparently while we were outside, Fey was “cruising” the house for mischief-munchies and opted (for some unknown reason) on “that tube”…

And she ate it, box and all…………………

…….all 30 grams…….

I didn’t find the tube’s-remains until much, much later…

Too much later…………………

ALL of what the articles said would happen…….did happen…….in dramatic detail.

Poor, poor Fey…

I humanely put her down…

My younger daughter and I dug her grave right where Fey had previously dug a hole to relax in…

Fey             R.I.P.


You know…….you’re careful that you don’t feed them grapes and raisins.

You keep the chocolate well out of reach…

You try as hard as you can to have them have a good, long life…

The Pack


……………..Fey, why didn’t you grab the box of toothpaste instead?

Then we’d just be dealing with an upset stomach and overly minty-fresh breath……………


We all miss you, Fey.

I am so very very sorry for your passing and for the way you had to pass…….

*****More In-Depth Information on This Poisoning*****

Fey & Drogo





2 thoughts on “While You’re Busy Making Plans……………..

  1. Oh I am so sad. Fey was beautiful. Love her eyes. What a tragic loss. My heart goes out to you. Sadness over-load. Sorry you and your youngest daughter had to deal with this. Fey….the toothpaste would have been a better choice….ugh. Just poured a glass of wine. Here’s to you Fey, hope you are at peace and pain free.

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