Tornado Watch

Tornado Watch


A few days ago we had a storm-front fly through.

It was very theatric.



Next month is the “official start” of the rainy season here in our sub-tropical area of Florida.



But there was a lulu of a storm that recently dumped on us in preparation for our soggy season.

I was coming up to the house from the back pasture having just been back there re-filling the bee’s feeders.


Hoo Boy!

The wind kicked up really fast.




Both stallions started galloping and snorting in their respective pastures.  They had their noses up in the air & their nostrils were flaring.

(The mares didn’t care.)



The wind started in a wave across the tops of the trees all around us.

The tree tops weren’t blowing in one direction, they were individually whipping around in more of a corkscrew-action.

Because it was the biggest blow that we have had in a number of months, there were a lot of dead or semi-dead limbs that were falling out of the trees…………and we have a heavily wooded backyard.

So I was running.  And I was ducking & weaving around a lot of falling kindling.

It was crazy scary.

Barred Owl



What spooked me the most was the number of big birds that took flight from where they had previously been hidden in the tree tops…

Birds that you normally don’t see in the daytime.



Red Shouldered Hawk


Big hawks and owls were flying from their secret spots because those limbs where being whipped out from underneath them.




There were A LOT of Barred Owls in our back yard!!!        I was surprised how many!!!

I made it to the garage, drenched from the cold rain-wall that pelted down suddenly.



But I was unscathed by falling dead-wood.


Once I was inside, I checked with Paolo and he confirmed that the radar had our area under a tornado watch…………….

I think the horses and the birds and I “watched” one skirt over us…

Mother Nature’s dramatic!





3 thoughts on “Tornado Watch

  1. Fairly unusual to have tornado warnings without a hurricane about. Not unheard of, but rare in the swamps of Fla. I don’t remember many tornado warnings over the years, in spite of the wicked t-storms. That’s my weather. Falling branches are always a danger here, wind or no wind.

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