The New Guy On The Block

The New Guy On The Block

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Ben will have some competition very soon…..

After a lot of searching and researching…I found our next boy puppy…..

…(Ben…is holding his judgement of the new puppy)…

Irish Wolfhounds (at best) have a limited gene-pool…..

I’m sure I’ve said this before…but in and around the 1800’s…they almost became extinct as a breed…..

Enter Captain Graham and Faust…(I do love that name)…..

*****(Saving The Irish Wolfhound)*****

He worked hard…but he saved the breed…..

…..even today…the Irish Wolfhound does not have a vast gene-pool to pull from…..

There’s a reason you don’t see Wolfhounds on every street corner…..


Ben is our fourth stud…he came from Georgia…..

Gromit was our first stud…and he came down from Ohio…..


…..then there was Pagan…he was locally-grown…..

…..and Hadrian came from Alabama (via Michigan)…..


While talking with different breeders recently…there appears to be an influx of Wolfhounds from Russian who are appearing on the show circuit domestically…..

…..and of course…there are always imports from Ireland…and Great Britain…..

…(okay…not an AKC pedigree…but you get the idea)…

My normal exchange with other breeders ALWAYS starts with an exchange of pedigrees…..

…..a few years back…I was surprised to find my original female as a great-great-great grandmother in the AKC pedigree of a Wolfhound from Maine…..

…..(apparently…they get around)…..

Ben (hopefully) will be the daddy of Killian’s last litter…as well as Willow’s…next year sometime…..

Then they’ll be spayed or neutered………….(shhhhhhhhh!)—(we don’t mention the “spay” or the “neuter” word around them very loudly)…..

…..I’m sure Ben would become apoplectic & faint…..

But Killian and Willow are Ben’s last opportunities………….(everyone else are his daughters)…..

*****(Captain Graham & His Beloved Hounds)*****

We don’t have a name yet for our (soon-to-arrive) new boy…..

…..he’ll be coming from Louisiana…with papers that are heavily from California and Colorado lines…..

…(some of the Louisiana litter)…

I’m not a show-person…I don’t like the politics…..

But I breed good puppies…who could stand on their own in the show ring…(I just don’t care to—it would make me apoplectic too)…..

My puppies have good feet…long tails…good ear-folds………….nice looking hounds…..

…..but…my concentration is on healthy/long-living companions…..

They’re just too cool not to want them around for as long as possible…..

And so………….the beat goes on…..

…..(as yet…un-named)…





#federationofeuropeanirishwolfhounds #irishwolfhoundclub #unitedkennelclub #doglongevity

#akc #irishwolfhoundclubofamerica #captaingraham #hipdysplasia #irishwolfhoundclub #englishkennelclub

4 thoughts on “The New Guy On The Block

    1. I am hoping he keeps his darkness. I’m a traditionalist when it comes to Irish Wolfhound colorings. Wheatens are beautiful, but grays were the color at the start of the breed.

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