The Great Aunts of the Farm

The Great Aunts of the Farm

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You might be wondering…why I choose the breeds of chickens that I order…..

There is………….(some)………….logic to it…..

My recent orders have been a bit flamboyant…(I just wanted to see what some of the different breeds looked like…and behaved)…..

But…I always order the giant layers…that’s easy logic…..

…..pick the biggest chicken possible…for the biggest eggs…..

Bantams are cute and diminutive…but their eggs are ridiculously small…..

…..they’ve got cranky little attitudes…with screechy high-pitched squawks & crowing…(at dawn)…..

…..and those eensie-weensie eggs…..

Because of that and without hesitation…..

…..I like the big ladies…..

Female Buff Orpington

Buff Orpington hens always remind me of every family’s plus-sized Great Aunts…..

I’m sure you all know who I’m talking about…the Aunts with saggy upper arm fat that can slap you silly and smother you to death…..

…..they always smell of Skin-So-Soft and Avon perfume…even when they’re profusely sweating…(which they always are)…(and to that effect…they always have a hankie stuffed in their bra-strap or cleavage)…..

…..they may or may not have curlers in their hair…but they always wear floral-printed house dresses…(and you can’t forget the chenille slippers)…..

…..***(What’s A House Dress?)***…..

…..but they’re reliable…and dependable…..

*****And That’s Why…I always have Buff Orpingtons on the property*****

Another regular here are Barred Rock hens…mostly because they are good at surviving…and they look like the traditional farmyard hens in all the old paintings…..

…..and who doesn’t want a coloring-book fantasy of a serene pastoral farm?…..

…..therefore…to round out the picturesqueness…you just have to have a few Barred Rock hens…..

Now…on to the Rhode Island Reds…they keep everyone in line…they have a red-headed attitude…they’re no-nonsense birds…..

…..and if the rest of the flock is smart…they’ll follow the Rhode Island Reds…..

…..they’ll live longer that way…..

I got a few Buff Brahma hens this time…I’ve never had them before…I was curious…..

…..and why do I get Specked Sussex hens?…..

…..well…because they’re speckled…..

I never get white egg-layers………….just because…..

I think brown eggs are more appealing…(except for the Olive-Eggers and the Americanas)…..

…..(and I doubt I will ever get Turkens)…(Why?)…..

…..(it seems silly to get chickens who already look half-plucked)…..


And that’s my reasoning for why I get the chickens that I do…..






#strombergshatchery #murraymcmurrayhatchery #

#skinsosoft #americanachicken oliveeggerchicken #barredrockchicken #turkenchicken #cacklehatchery

#bufforpingtonchicken #rhodeislandredchicken #buffbrahmachicken #speckledsussexchicken #avon

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