~The Berry Bush Saga~

~The Berry Bush Saga~

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The idea of propagating blackberry bushes along the pasture’s fence line…..was a good idea…..

…..it was…..

…..I would’ve thought it would be easier…..

…..the planting…..the regular watering…..that kind of stuff…..

…..but the challenges for the poor plants surviving here…..well…..that’s another story…..

I wanted the anti-social properties of thorny/berry-bearing bushes for our pasture’s perimeters…..

I figured I’d begin with three different/non-hybridized/old-fashioned blackberry plants…..

…..that would be a reasonable start…..right?…..

All was going so well…..right up to the point when my older daughter sprayed with herbicide for the nettles and nightshade…..


…..communication is the key to everything…..isn’t it?…..

Had I told her about where I’d planted the nondescript/little/leafy twigs?…..


Had I marked them with stakes or tape or flags or ANY identifiers?

…..double nope…..

The poor/little/non-GMO’d/blackberry/starter sprigsĀ got inadvertently spritzed with weed-killer…..


Added on top of this…..

…..it appears Addy has an unquenched/mischievous streak of curiosity…..

…..and turns out…..she was probably the culprit who ripped out the wilted/dead/non-hybridized/blackberry bushes…..

And how do I know this…..(?)…..

Well…..of course I bought more baby bushes…..(I’m sure I’m going to be put on a horticultural black-list very soon)…..

…..when I started planting these replacements…..

…..there was Addy…..with a gleam in her eye…..

Every time I planted one…..there was Addy…..right behind me…..(?)…..

…..I would think she would have tried to be less-obtuse…..

…..but no…..

She literally tried grabbing the leaves & attempted to rip out the baby blackberry plants even before I walked away…..

…..she could have tried being stealthier…..!?!…..

…..What To Do?….What To Do?…..

I quickly strung a line of “fake” electric wire around the periphery of where the bushes were planted…..

….so far so good…..

I’ve faked the ole’ girl out…..for the time being…..






#nettles #nightshade

#clydesdale #blackberrybush #blackberries #electricfence #gmo #hybride #horticulture #herbicide

2 thoughts on “~The Berry Bush Saga~

  1. I planted pampas grass all around my house a long time ago. It lasted 30 seconds. Who knew that it was so delicious?!!

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