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Tag: Sam



**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Sam has moved on….. I would have loved for him to stay longer…..but that wasn’t the plan….. …..I only recently figured out that he was eleven years old….. …..he was older than I thought….. I miss him a lot….. He was my buddy….. …..A Good Good Friend….. Archimedes and Sam were litter mates…..they were the oldest boys here….. But last year Sam developed a urinary tract issue…..not terribly unusual for neutered male cats……..

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…still not better…but this is getting boring…

…still not better…but this is getting boring…

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** This sure is getting repetitive….. …’s still NOT Covid…..(phew)….. …..the worst is the dizziness…..(and the nausea)….. No wait…..the worst is….. …..the cats sneezing….. …..ALL the cats are sneezing….. Doctor Brigid said they have cat-colds…..and it will take awhile for them to get better…..(possible two weeks)….. But ten sneezing house cats…..(?)….. …..That’s The Worst….. I have cats that sleep with me at…

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*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel***** Here’s an up-date on Sam….. He’s still a cool dude….. Sam’s the kitty-kat-ums who had the urinary blockage and had to go to Doctor Russell’s for an emergency visit….. He’s still amongst us…..he’s not pushing up daisy’s…..yet…..(sigh)….. ***Sam’s Earlier Pee-Pee Blockage Post*** …..he’s only eight years old….. …..cats are built like airplane engines…..if you take care of them…..they’ll last a long time….. …..except for the urinary-tract-issues with neutered boys……..

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Happiness Can Be A Puddle Of Pee…

Happiness Can Be A Puddle Of Pee…

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* Just like all things in life….. …..everything is a matter of perspective….. What may make me caterwaul one day….. …..on another day….. …..I may celebrate the same thing….. This is what recently happened to Sam…..Sam’s my buddy….. …..he’s also an eight year old/neutered/male cat….. Probably a lot of you cat-lovers out there are already starting to nod your heads….. Sam was suddenly in pain…..I swear it happened in the…

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~~Kitty-Kat-Um Commune~~~

~~Kitty-Kat-Um Commune~~~

In the sixties and seventies….. …..communes were a big deal….. …..eating together…bathing together…meditating together…sleeping together… …..everything was tie-dyed and together….. …..there were sit-ins…and bed-ins (the Lennon/Ono one)…the Summer of Love…and lock-ons…..(***Remember What A Lock-On Was?*****) I think I’ve mentioned before that I was living in New Jersey at that time….. …..and I remember having the opportunity & being asked to go to this outdoor concert-thing in up-state New York….. …..I picked staying home and go horseback riding instead….. …..hmmmmm….. But…

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So it’s not actually a Monday….. …..but in a lot of ways…..this morning felt like a Monday….. … know your day is going to be a challenge when it starts out like this….. …..first thing….. And then I went to the kitchen….. …..and found this…..   BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE…..!!!….. …..(while at the other end of the kitchen counter)….. …..there was sweet/non-controversial Gatsby….. …..helping himself to the left-over rice (which was intended for the Wolfhound’s breakfast)….. ………………….So Gird Your Loins…

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One Cold Day In Florida

One Cold Day In Florida

We Had A Hard Freeze!!! Tra!  La! Take that mosquitoes! I don’t think we’ve had a hard freeze for the past two winters at least… We need at least one a winter to kill off the green-gooies that get to thriving in the heat and humidity down here…….(witness Ben’s head). And the mosquito population has been growing each year exponentially. As an aside…….did you know that we have elected officials who head up our Mosquito Control Division? ***Our Elected Mosquito…

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Green Quarters

Green Quarters

Should quarters be green…………………..? …….I really don’t think so…   You know how you have that jar of coins where you toss extra change? I recently had to move my coin jar for cleaning. I thought it was odd that so many of the coins inside looked green. So I investigated……………………………………………………………………………..sigh… They were green…….and some were white & corroded…   But most were green………….and moist…………..(moist coins?……..that’s never good—–right?) ………….(you know I sniffed them)………….but, they did NOT smell of cat pee….

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Housework &/Or Dust Drowning

Housework &/Or Dust Drowning

I have to muster a pre-emptive strike.  The dust-bunnies are getting organized and hostile.  I’m sure that whole cavy-thing is starting to kick into gear—–they are planning to gnaw off one or more of my limbs at any point in time right about now.  My inabilities & lack of completing basic housework chores is becoming evident,  invasive, and a tad-life-threatening. Last weekend I was able to temporarily balance on my new leg, while vacuuming with the longest tube I could…

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Counting Kitties

Counting Kitties

Over the years I’ve found that it’s best not to ask permission. Just wait and see what happens. Having an escape plan is not a bad idea either. Really I apply this philosophy to just about everything, but here specifically I am talking about adding animals to our farm, either livestock or pets. Specifically with this post——-additional house cats. We currently have three main house cats and one apathetic barn cat. Thelma (an overtly fluffy tiger lady) who I was…

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