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Tag: Rocket Man

~~~The Mean Aunt~~~

~~~The Mean Aunt~~~

Fat Addy is perfect for the job….. …..she’s had enough foals of her own….. …..sooooo…..another one to baby-sit is NOT a novelty for her….. …..She considers Finley an immediate nuisance….. …..poor Finley….. …..he’s so used to being “the star” where his Mom is concerned…..the coddled-colt….. …..(but he’s been beating her up SO much)….. …..(plus eating most of her food)….. He hasn’t been a considerate/caring son…..(at all)….. Our veterinarian (Doctor/Reverend/Sir/Stevie Wonder) was here…..he said Finley is definitely old enough for weaning………….ASAP……..

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***Finley’s New Halter***

***Finley’s New Halter***

Right after the last post…..Finley decided to take off his baby halter….. It was time for the next bigger one….. There was actually another one in-between that we could have chosen….. …..but it was not that much larger…..and the nylon-webbing was thinner than the one we chose….. The one we picked has a longer strap on its crown piece….. …..a little too long….. … older daughter and I had to unceremoniously drill extra holes in the strap….. …..(she’s better with…

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Update On Rocket Man (a.k.a. Finley)

Update On Rocket Man (a.k.a. Finley)

Well…..the dude’s got a name now….. …………………It’s Finley………………… …………………and he’s still a poop-head………………… …..but…..he’s a healthy/growing/robust…..poop-head….. …..(FYI…..he still warrants the nickname Rocket Man with his razor-sharp/honed/aimed/accurate/double-barreled kicks)….. …..(plus now he’s learning to pop-up with his front feet)….. …..(and just around the corner… week…..he’ll be striking out with his front hooves)….. We’ve had enough foals here to know ahead of time what’s on the little dude’s agenda….. He’s just following the normal protocol for learning the ABC’s of horse-dom….. Don’t get…

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Mud ~~ Ducks ~~ and Baby Horses

Mud ~~ Ducks ~~ and Baby Horses

After a dry period of time….. …..our weather changed abruptly over the last couple of days….. A deluge of rain hit us on a couple of occasions….. …..after a period of solid ground….. …..we are suddenly back into muddy slop and muddy puddles….. But I don’t like it….. The ducks and the foal are absolutely in hog-heaven….. …’s a sliding mud-derby for everybody….. The ducks are sleeker and cleaner….. …..but I can’t say as much for R.M…… He’s a mud-ball…..and…

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Claire Is A Great Mom

Claire Is A Great Mom

Claire likes babies….. She is attentive…..engaging…..TOLERANT…..directive….. …..and protective….. I don’t know what her background was before we found each other….. …..I don’t think it was a very positive one….. …..she was certainly neglected….. But she seems to know that she has found a safe place….. …..somewhere where she’ll be okay….. …..(I still think it’s odd that she and Chantilly were both missing the same front tooth)….. …..(and that Claire can’t efficiently “scoop” with her lips when she’s eating)…..(food is always…

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*****Rocket Meets The Big Pasture*****

*****Rocket Meets The Big Pasture*****

  The dude is growing up….. He doesn’t spend his nights in the box stall anymore….. He now spends them (still with his Mom) in the paddock behind the barn….. Then… the mornings…..after all of the horses are shifted around to other sections of the farm….. …..Mom and Rocket go into their own big pasture….. …..Ooooooooooo….. He has his own big water tank….. …..(which he is still too young to drink from)….. …..(but he splashes in it)….. He has his…

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Rocket Man Gets A Bath

Rocket Man Gets A Bath

I guess it was a bath….. It seemed more like a mini-rodeo with a tiny/incensed horse….. However, we (the bi-peds) prevailed….. …..thanks to well-positioned leverage…..good reflexes…..appropriately-timed social distancing (which always applies on a farm with livestock)…..and a Can-Do-Attitude….. Rocket Man is soggy & clean (temporarily) & has learned to tolerate his first bath….. …..(and yet again, the tiny nylon halter DID NOT break-away)….. We had to bath R.M. because we had to body-clip him….. …..that last sentence sounded so simple…

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~~~Hats Off To Mary Constance~~~

~~~Hats Off To Mary Constance~~~

Rocket Man is two weeks old…..   …..we’re going through the early steps in his training….. He’s donned his baby halter (and it kept on…that’s a feat in itself)….. He’s quickly learned how to lead….. …..we’ve learned that you can pull all you want on a baby’s lead rope (where it’s attached to the front end)….. …..but if he doesn’t want to move….. … can’t make him….. … have to scoop the long end of the lead rope around his…

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~~~Let’s Talk Poop~~~

~~~Let’s Talk Poop~~~

I want to pass along some simple things that I’ve learned over the years….. We’ve talked about the need for a mother’s colostrum for her babies….. …..this applies to goats…..and dogs…..and cats…..and horses…..and humans….. When a baby horse is born (or a baby goat…..or puppy…..or whatever…..) …..not only do you have to be aware of what is going in the front end….. …..but you have to watch what comes out the back end too….. Mammal babies (when they are inside…

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~~~~~Rocket Man~~~~~

~~~~~Rocket Man~~~~~

The adventures of Rocket Man continue….. He’s up…..he’s nursing well…..he’s filling out…..he’s getting strong….. ………….he’s a booger………….. ………….and now………….we introduce….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Halter~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He doesn’t know what it’s all about………….yet…………. He doesn’t know how the advent of a halter will affect the rest of his life….. He is thoroughly unsuspecting….. …..heh…..heh…..heh….. ………….Game On, Pony-Boy!…………. I learned from the Amish up north in Ohio to leave a piece of hay string or rope on the halter’s ring….. …..all the better to grab…

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