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Tag: Prime Ribs

~Easter Is Just Around The Corner~

~Easter Is Just Around The Corner~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Sunday will be Easter….. The dinner and the baskets have been planned….. If you’re thinking we’re a little old for Easter baskets….. You’d be wrong….. They are hidden better…and harder to find….. … younger daughter still believes in the Easter Bunny…and that’s all the excuse I need….. So Easter is in full swing here….. There will be multiple Easter baskets…filled with jewel-colored grasses and treats….. Of course they’re packed with (a little) less…

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Showdown at the Meat Counter

Showdown at the Meat Counter

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* It’s that time of year….. Our local grocery store is having it’s annual Holiday Sales….. It starts with Thanksgiving…and runs through December…to the New Year….. First turkeys are on sale…then beef…as well as scallops…along with shrimp of various sizes…peeled or unpeeled…pre-cooked or raw….. It’s weeks and weeks of a veritable Protein-Extravaganza….. Protein-ous foods and I are the best-est of friends….. …..don’t get me wrong…I love a well-placed carb….. …..But Protein Rules Supreme…. …..and…

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~~~No Who-Pudding…….But There Was Who-Roast-Beast~~~

~~~No Who-Pudding…….But There Was Who-Roast-Beast~~~

It’s Christmas Day!!! I am traditionally exhausted….. …..that’s an annual expectation….. …..our annual Christmas cards have NOT been mailed out yet….. …..that’s no biggie….. …..because….. …..they’re never mailed out on time….. …..remember last year…..I said I would mail out this year’s cards on time….. …..or maybe even early…..(?)….. …..hmmmmmmm… flash….. … didn’t happen….. …..well…..oopsie doopsie…………. …..the cards will probably wend-their-way through the postal system…..sometime soon (ish)….. ………….BUT…………. There Will Be Timely Roast Beast! TRA!    LA!!! I DO love myself…

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Hog Jowls & Collard Greens

Hog Jowls & Collard Greens

Happy New Year! Hog Jowls are on sale. So are Collards. So are Black-Eyed Peas. Peas are for pennies; greens are for dollars; and cornbread is for gold. We are going to eat that Prime Rib I mentioned earlier that was on sale…………………….for clogged arteries?  Maybe gout?  Or hemochromatosis? I do think collards would go with Prime Rib.  Mashed potatoes, too. Hmmmmmmmmm, I need another vegetable. I’ve got this tuber-casserole-thing that’s frozen (the recipe has a much prettier name—–something like,…

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