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Tag: pig sty

~~~Re-Visiting The Pig Styes (Sties?)~~~

~~~Re-Visiting The Pig Styes (Sties?)~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** At the risk of being repetitive….. They’re just so beautiful….. They need to be re-visited & expounded upon….. I know it’s probably weird being excited about completed pig styes (sties?)….. But they’re so gorgeous….. They brings tears to my eyes (and it’s not the pig-poop that’s doing it)….. My older daughter and Grey have finished the two pens….. … more pen…

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***The Hog Hilton***

***The Hog Hilton***

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* Well…….Finally…..!!!….. The hogs finally have their newly finished pig pen….. ………………………….AND…………………………. …..the rainy season hasn’t even begun yet….. …..the first dusty splatter of rain hasn’t started….. …..the summer’s reliable muddy-quagmires haven’t begun puddling yet….. Ralph did all the necessary work….. ***Glossary—(Ralph Defined)*** …..he used our surplus telephone poles as super/secure posts….. …..he was able to make use of the surplus sheets of 5-V Crimp that have been laying around……..

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~~~The Pigs New Digs~~~

~~~The Pigs New Digs~~~

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* FINALLY! The pigs have new additions to their abode currently underway….. …..and the reconstruction is almost completed…..!!!….. Tra!  La! FINALLY! …..this is all because of our skilled friend, Ralph….. Last week Ralph chain-sawed some of our stored telephone poles….. He made them into some very sturdy/big/long-lasting posts for the new & improved pig sty….. The sty is larger now… the pigs can stretch out….. AND…’s drier!!! Next week Ralph…

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~~~That Muddy Lump~~~

~~~That Muddy Lump~~~

  This is a continuation of the muddy situation in the last post….. This is what Problem #1 was all about….. That muddy lump in the pig sty….. …..was not just a muddy lump….. ….when I slogged over to that afore-mentioned-feathery-blob….. … turned out to be a mud-covered hen….. …..wallowing and thoroughly mired in the mud….. Remember that one silly/stupid hen who insisted on perching & roosting on one of the corner posts of the pig sty?….. …..rather than going…

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*******Pony Rides*******

*******Pony Rides*******

We have turned into the WORST petting zoo EVER…..!!!….. Now…..the big boar is out of his pen…..!!!….. You know the one….. …..the one with the huge/slavering tusks…..!!!….. Now…..whenever we go back into the goat pasture to feed the pigs and the goats….. …..we have to negotiate around a big mama pig…..(who jumped on me yesterday and almost knocked the wind out of me—–I slapped her on the snout and she ran off squealing)….. …..along with the four adolescent pigs….. …..and…

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*****Piggy Follow-Up…….Hoo-Boy*****

*****Piggy Follow-Up…….Hoo-Boy*****

As you already know….. One of our sows went to the butchers….. And came back in white/labeled packages….. Like anything on this farm (or in life)…..(or physics)…..any action produced creates an equal and opposite reaction….. …..oops….. …..well…..poop….. You see… all of the pigs have seen and figured out that if other pigs can be released from their flimsy/mud-submerged/non-roofed/horrible pens….. ……………..then why can’t they make a break for freedom…………….. And that’s just what’s been happening….. First there were only two little…

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~~~By The Light Of The Harvest Moon~~~

~~~By The Light Of The Harvest Moon~~~

My older daughter and I worked in the dark by the light of the silvery moon….. … rescue the remaining/slippery piglets from the now submerged “new” pen….. …..we had a Florida Water Snake bolt over our boots and a Black Racer scoot out of our way (or was it a Black Indigo?)….. *****Confusing Snake Types***** … least I hope they weren’t Cotton Mouths…..(FWS’s are the ones who mimic being poisonous Water Moccasins). *****I’m Not Getting Close Enough To Find Out…

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***Leaking Hose & Sparking Toad***

***Leaking Hose & Sparking Toad***

They do rhyme…but they aren’t related… Other than…they all needed to be fixed… With a farm and an old house…..there are always repairs…..on-going/mind-dumbing repairs… Maybe if I won the lottery…..everything could get fixed… But that would mean I would have to remember to buy a lottery ticket… I never seem to… After paying for groceries…I’m too busy trying to get my unmelted Blue Bell ice cream into the truck…and I don’t remember to buy a ticket… So…..forget hiring farm help…

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