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Tag: Norwegian Fjord Horse



**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I understand Anja’s dilemma….. She could survive on air alone….. We’re trying to reduce her princess-pony-zaftig-ness….. Anja does enjoy her meals….. Where Claire needs all the calories we can spackle on her….. Anja requires a minimalist chef….. You know sometimes when you look at someone every day…you don’t realize when they’re changing…..?….. …..and then for some reason there’s a flashbulb realization that things have changed right under your nose…..?….. I recently had one…

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***Hard Freeze?***

***Hard Freeze?***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** I’m not actually sure if we did have a hard freeze here….. I think there’s some sort of meteorological formula for the temperature getting down to below freezing for a set amount of time to be considered a “hard freeze”….. I know it got down to below 32F degrees the other night…..but I’m not sure how long it lasted….. I also…

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~~~Anja’s New Doo~~~

~~~Anja’s New Doo~~~

Norwegian Fjord Horses have specific coifs that are expected for their manes….. There are patterns on the internet that you can download and copy….. …..or you can just free-wheel it with a good pair of scissors….. We are the free-wheeling-kind-of-family….. …..but the first step in fixing Anja’s hairdo….. …..was to take it all off….. So while my younger daughter and I were treating Anja’s abscess….. …..I shaved her too-long mane off completely….. Norwegian Fjord horse people get real focused on…

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~~~I Love My Fireplace~~~

~~~I Love My Fireplace~~~

The weather dropped from eighty degrees to thirty degrees in only twenty-four hours….. …..gotta love Florida….. …..apparently there was a frost….. …..I missed it…..(my feed guy told me)….. I am glad it’s finally cool enough to actually enjoy riding and not continually worrying that my horse is going to melt under me….. It seems like everyone has sprouted a winter coat overnight….. …..even Anja…..(again)….. …..who I have body-clipped once this fall already….. …..but she’s a Norwegian Wooly Mammoth Fjord Horse…

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I haven’t written about the advent of Anja yet… Anja is now my younger daughter’s new horse. She’s a Norwegian Fjord horse. Just like my daughter’s previous therapy horse, Sonja (who died tragically from botulism poisoning in the Spring of 2018). *****Post-April 24, 2018: “Sad, Sad, Gut-Wrenching & Sad” Plus, Anja is also related to Sonja!              She really is!!! I “happened” upon Anja’s “For Sale” ad…….in a South Dakota newspaper……. …..(okay, I may have…

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Opening Hunt Meet

Opening Hunt Meet

Yesterday was our fox hunt club’s Opening Hunt Meet. It was the official opening of the Fox Hunting Season following the Cubbing Season. It was held at one of our favorite venues. An absolutely beautiful ranch with pastures and woods and streams and bridges and ponds. My younger daughter and I couldn’t go this year……. …..again… She’s not ready yet to ride her new horse, Anja……. …….which reminds me, I haven’t written about Anja yet——-(her purchase, or her shipment (from…

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