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Tag: New Years

*****Missed It*****

*****Missed It*****

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I just had to add this….. Another post-holiday note….. Remember when my family went to bed early on New Years Eve?….. Everyone was tucked in…visions of sugar plums…the chickens were safely perched in their coop…the horses were dozing…the goats were stealth-ing their way into some expected nocturnal mischief….. And…I slept through the night…which is saying a lot….. …..but apparently I shouldn’t have….. Doctor Brigid (who lives…as the crow flies…about a half mile from…

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*Sugar-Highs…and Holiday Baking*

*Sugar-Highs…and Holiday Baking*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Woo!  Hoo!….. It’s still Holiday baking time!….. I love baking…I love eating batter & dough…I was supposed to out-grow this….. !News Flash!….. …..I never did….. …..I know…I know….. …..raw eggs…too much sugar…Yadda…Yadda….. …..raw dough is still the Best….. I feel that baking some (most) recipes…ruins a good cookie….. Plus we know the chickens our eggs come from…we know they aren’t old/stale store-bought eggs….. But salmonella…is still salmonella….. … there’s that….. Cake batter is…

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~New Year’s Resolutions~~~No Hurricanes~

~New Year’s Resolutions~~~No Hurricanes~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I’ve decided that one of my New Year’s Resolutions for this coming year will be….. …..No Hurricanes….. …’s a good Resolution…don’t you think?…I’ll chat with Mother Nature about it….. I think this map is incomplete…it feels like there were so many more….. Plus…Hurricane Charley’s not listed…he was supposed to come directly up Tampa Bay (just like Hurricane Ian did)…then he decided to make a ninety degree turn to the right over Ft. Myers…

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***Happy New Year***

***Happy New Year***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I hope you’re all safe and happy and only moderately hung-over….. …..(my Dad was always a big proponent of “the hair of the dog”…I think there may even be some science there)….. …..(That Shaggy Dog Explained)….. Hopefully your New Year’s Eve was Happy and Festive….. I heard recently that where Time Square in New York City has it’s Giant/Sparkly Waterford Crystal Ball (which drops (carefully) at midnight)….. …..Key West, Florida has a giant…

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And Here We Go

And Here We Go

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** We’re all getting going on the New Year…..2022 is here….. …..time to start getting used to writing 2022 on everything….. …..augh…..that’ll be hard…..always is….. …..and it’s not any easier the older I get…..about five months ago I caught myself writing 1997 on a check….. …..why?….. …..I have no idea….. But the New Year’s here now…..filled with ripe-potential and rote-ruts along with…

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~~~A Casual New Year~~~

~~~A Casual New Year~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** It’s that time of year again….. We’re going low-key this year….. … loud music… fireworks…..there might be S’Mores and marshmallows…..maybe….. There will be a bonfire….. There will be languid revelry…..(if that’s a thing)….. A fun/casual evening is planned….. It will be family…..neighbors might come ’round…..hopefully there will be friends….. …’s an open door…..(or front gate)…..kind of a bonfire….. …..proffered bags of…

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~~Indigestion~~~The Day After Boxing Day~~

~~Indigestion~~~The Day After Boxing Day~~

Phew….. …’s over….. I think I survived….. I sit here in my new/comfy/fluffy pajamas….. … bare feet are cold…..but then… is the kitchen tile floor….. … IS thirty-four degrees outside….. I’ve eaten everything in sight….. …..I’d happily do it again….. …..I plan to….. …..there are still some un-made recipes to stir together and complete….. …..I may do that….. …..but it does cause one to pause and consider and contemplate….. …..can one digestive-tract possibly develop any MORE gas…..?….. …..TMI?….. …..You bet…

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