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Tag: holidays

~~*~~May Day~~*~~

~~*~~May Day~~*~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* It’s the First of May………….May Day….. May Day celebrations date back to ancient times….. *****(Some May Day Festivity Fun Facts)***** Bonfires…Maypoles…Flowers…Fertility…Stews…Barbecues…Baskets…Dancing…May Wine…and the May Queen….. It’s a holiday that’s halfway between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice….. …..and the rhythm of the Seasons continues….. The temperature down here is starting to hotten up…we’re running headlong into summer….. And I don’t want to….. …..let the whining begin….. Graphical Tropical Weather Outlooks   |…

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*Sugar-Highs…and Holiday Baking*

*Sugar-Highs…and Holiday Baking*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Woo!  Hoo!….. It’s still Holiday baking time!….. I love baking…I love eating batter & dough…I was supposed to out-grow this….. !News Flash!….. …..I never did….. …..I know…I know….. …..raw eggs…too much sugar…Yadda…Yadda….. …..raw dough is still the Best….. I feel that baking some (most) recipes…ruins a good cookie….. Plus we know the chickens our eggs come from…we know they aren’t old/stale store-bought eggs….. But salmonella…is still salmonella….. … there’s that….. Cake batter is…

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***August First***

***August First***

There are some fun things going on in the month of August… Starting with Lammas Day & Frey’s Feast on August First….. …..then the Full Sturgeon Moon on the Third… Abbey Road’s famous Beatles photo was taken fifty-one years ago on August 8th… Oops…..Betty Boop made her debut on the same day in 1930… National Honey Bee Day is August 18th… The Mona Lisa was stolen from The Louvre on August 11, 1911… It’s Paolo’s and my 43rd wedding anniversary…

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April’s Fun Days

April’s Fun Days

April 18th is National Piñata Day… Shakespeare’s Birthday is April 23rd… Let’s not forget April Fool’s Day on April first… Earth Day is April 22nd… …..and Scrabble was trademarked on April 25th in 1950… In 1920 F. Scott Fitzgerald married Zelda Sayre on April 3rd… The safety pin was patented on April 10th… Ooh…..the first soda fountain was patented on April 24th in 1833… Then there’s National Arbor Day on April 26th… There will be the Full Pink Moon on…

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!!!Decoration Time!!!

!!!Decoration Time!!!

It’s that time of year when one seasonal home decoration immediately flows into the next holiday decor requirement. I love Holidays… I love all Holidays… I even considered celebrating November 17th………………..which for those of you who don’t know…………………is the anniversary of the patenting of barbed wire…….(duh!) (however, I personally don’t believe in barbed wire or it’s containment capabilities)……. …..I prefer electric fencing (with its painful yet educating joules) which can put you on your butt in a split second……. So,…

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A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story

  ~~~Let me start by saying that I think the Elf on the Shelf is a snitch~~~ ~~~And what’s with his feet?~~~ There’s been a marathon of back-to-back runnings of the movie, “A Christmas Story”. I had my fill last night… ………….I’m done until next year…………sorry, Ralphie. I wonder if the Higbee’s they refer to in the movie is the same Higbee’s store in Cleveland where my family would travel to each year in order to see Santa? ………………but, I…

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Dia de Los Muertos

Dia de Los Muertos

  Living in a very Latin-populated state, this holiday is very popular here.     I like it’s ambiance and over-all philosophy.   I also like Cinco de Mayo……….. Come to think of it, I like celebrating celebrations…   Day of the Dead as well as the old Celtic descriptions of Samhain are all about including and thanking the ancestors…     Let’s face it, if it weren’t for our ancestors…………….we wouldn’t be here.   But honestly, I don’t just…

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Hog Jowls & Collard Greens

Hog Jowls & Collard Greens

Happy New Year! Hog Jowls are on sale. So are Collards. So are Black-Eyed Peas. Peas are for pennies; greens are for dollars; and cornbread is for gold. We are going to eat that Prime Rib I mentioned earlier that was on sale…………………….for clogged arteries?  Maybe gout?  Or hemochromatosis? I do think collards would go with Prime Rib.  Mashed potatoes, too. Hmmmmmmmmm, I need another vegetable. I’ve got this tuber-casserole-thing that’s frozen (the recipe has a much prettier name—–something like,…

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We Need A Happy Post

We Need A Happy Post

  Baking always makes me happy. My Kitchen makes me happy. Flour on the butcher blocks, trays and pans ready to go.  The oven pre-heated and oddly smelling of a combination of recently baked items.  I even have my good friend——the pie safe.  It safe-guards what we’ve baked from house cats and hounds, but not husbands, until they are cooled and safely secured. Most of the drawers are brimming with what-nots and doo-dahs specifically made for special/specific left-handed/right-angled folds in…

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