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Tag: French Black Copper Marans

!Go To Your Corners!

!Go To Your Corners!

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* We’ve had to re-arrange our Runner Ducks….. …..they’ve become………….overly amorous….. I’ve mentioned before that Runner Ducks are “seasonal layers”…by that I mean they don’t lay eggs all year ’round…only in the Springtime….. And one could assume that “fertilizing” the eggs would only need to occur seasonally as well….. Ha!………….tell that to the drakes….. …..randy little dudes….. I mean…It’s mid-June…Springtime is almost over….. They should be hanging up their propensity for procreating pretty soon……..

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The Bunny Plan…(Revised)

The Bunny Plan…(Revised)

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* We have a lot of “revisions” and/or “revisitations” of ideas here on our little farm….. …..I’d rather call them “revisitations” instead of mistakes….. …..potatoes…potatoes….. …..(and again…that expression looses something in print)….. My original idea of raising meat rabbits hasn’t quite gone as planned….. I mean…the rabbits did just fine…it’s the project that didn’t launch as expected….. But I’m not giving up….. At the beginning…I had cut and J-clipped the wire cages together… I…

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~~~@#$%&*&%$#@ Roosters~~~

~~~@#$%&*&%$#@ Roosters~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Farmers never want and/or need a surplus of roosters….. Roosters are valuable…..but you don’t need multiple/crowing birds….. …..they fight…..they do that early morning crowing-thing (try 3:30am)…..(in what world is that dawn?)…..they harass the hens….. …..they’re basically loud  &  disruptive….. … some stupid (short-lived birds) try to chase & spur you….. I try to keep our rooster population to a minimum…..just a…

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The Progression Of Chicklets

The Progression Of Chicklets

*******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* At this point…..the mail-order chicks are way past the puff-ball stage….. …..but they are still at the “Otto-worthy” stage….. I’d better continue keeping them under lock & key (on the back porch) for awhile longer….. …..(until they are big enough to out-run Otto…..when he decides he’s a bit peck-ish)….. …..then I’ll put them in the chicken coop and rig it to keep them separated from the adult chickens for…

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~~~New Chicklets~~~

~~~New Chicklets~~~

  *******Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel******* It’s that time of year again…..the wheel in the sky keeps on turning….. …..(wouldn’t that make a good song lyric?)….. …..(oh wait… already is)….. *****Journey’s Song***** I needed to replenish our chicken flock….. …..predators, Irish Wolfhounds, age, and other bad-stuff happens….. I ordered French Black Copper Marans along with French Cuckoo Marans….. ***French Black Copper Marans*** ***French Cuckoo Marans*** …..(they are some of the darkest brown egg-layers available)……..

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