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Tag: fireworks

Independence Day

Independence Day

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Yesterday was the Fourth of July….. We celebrated with spare ribs (St. Louis style)…baked beans…corn on the cob…and watermelon (with seeds)….. …..(don’t get me started on seedless GMO fruits and vegetables…give me the seeds…and a real melon)….. The day was a nice day….. …..really relaxed…and calm….. Fireworks were on TV…and no one wanted to drive to the beach to watch the displays over the Gulf of Mexico….. It would’ve been pretty…and it’s not…

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*****Missed It*****

*****Missed It*****

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* I just had to add this….. Another post-holiday note….. Remember when my family went to bed early on New Years Eve?….. Everyone was tucked in…visions of sugar plums…the chickens were safely perched in their coop…the horses were dozing…the goats were stealth-ing their way into some expected nocturnal mischief….. And…I slept through the night…which is saying a lot….. …..but apparently I shouldn’t have….. Doctor Brigid (who lives…as the crow flies…about a half mile from…

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*****The Fifth Of July*****

*****The Fifth Of July*****

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** It’s the day after the Fourth of July….. A good time was had by all…(except for some exhausted frenetic dogs)….. Today…we’ll be having left-overs—baked beans…corn-on-the-cob…barbecue…the usual….. …..always good on the second day….. The various streets and sidewalks smell like burnt gunpowder and sulphur from matches….. The residue of Roman candles, bottle rockets and sparkler wires are everywhere….. Those of us with animals are taking a deep breath…and a sigh of relief….. I always…

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~~~July Fourth~~~

~~~July Fourth~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** *************Happy Fourth of July!************* Hopefully it will be with family….. Hopefully it will be a fun day…full of good food…and friends….. It’ll be HOT here…but it usually is…..   We’re doing the traditional summer celebration with barbecued ribs and beans and corn on the cob….. … never gets old….. There’ll be firecrackers and fireworks displays….. …..the southern-pyromaniac-Bubba’s will be out in droves….. …..our street always wafts with smoke afterwards and that wonderful smell…

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Bubba, Stumpy, & Lefty ~~~ The Day After

Bubba, Stumpy, & Lefty ~~~ The Day After

  Yesterday was the Fourth of July. The “South” just loves their fireworks! That’s an understatement!   *****Fireworks Store Choice #1***** There were impromptu explosives “stores” that popped up everywhere. The same red & white striped tents (which also sell Christmas trees or Easter Lillies during the appropriate holidays) were sprouting up on every available open piece of land or parking lot. Mortars?………….no problem. M-80’s?………….sure, fill up your bag. Finales?  Roman Candles?………….step this way. Rockets & Missles………….take your pick. Then…

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Sousa and Pretty Explosions

Sousa and Pretty Explosions

    Steaming, simmering heat.       Mother Nature’s promised fireworks to come in the afternoon.     Our stove finally sighed and died a couple of mornings ago.  We woke to a plaintive bleeping and an error-code that kept flashing it’s unhappiness. The error-code couldn’t be fixed………….we only had 1-1/2 working burners out of four anyway………………………and any cookies on the top rack in the back of the oven always burned…………………soooooooooooooo……………….we’re okay with the oven finally kicking the bucket…………………….it…

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Incendiaries & Potato Salad

Incendiaries & Potato Salad

It’s that time of the year again when the pyro-maniacs come out to play.  You know who they are.  The “Stubbies”, and the “Lefties”, and the “Stumpies”.  We all have them in our neighborhoods or hanging by their knees from our family trees with clicking Bics. In the South, fireworks are not illegal.  I vaguely remember as a child that they were illegal in Ohio.  I don’t know if they still are or not.  But with that memory I also…

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