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Tag: Fey

Drooling On The Couch

Drooling On The Couch

The babies are over one week old now… There are still seven of the little boogers… But, we’re still not out of the woods yet… Fey’s lost litter last February is still too raw and recent. *****Fey’s Final Litter***** (I’m a worry-wart…….I have good reason with Irish Wolfhound babies) …..consequently, I am still sleeping on the couch, right by their RubberMaid bin, right next to Willow… The other night I woke up between feedings (keep in mind, there’s not much…

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While You’re Busy Making Plans……………..

While You’re Busy Making Plans……………..

  *****Poisoning Warning For Pets***** This is more of a warning than a posting…………… We had a tragedy and lost one of our Irish Wolfhounds to accidental poisoning.   Fey…   “Mimzy My Fairy Fey”     I was prescribed a product called Fluorouracil.  It’s a cream in a tube used for topical, pre-cancer skin-spot treatment. *****CAUTION—Poisonous to Animals***** Given all of the sun here, it’s used a lot in Florida especially for old, sun-baked, dried-jerky like me. I’ve had…

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With The Good—Comes The Bad

With The Good—Comes The Bad

  There’s a dance to life… I believe there’s a rhythm and a balance… I need to believe there’s a purpose to everything………… …………..and sometimes/most times………’s none of my business to understand that purpose… It’s my job just to keep going……… To take the next, best step………. Giving up is not a step…………it’s not right/it’s not wrong………….but not moving forward is not the right thing to do…………. Fey’s puppies………all fifteen of them……… ………for three weeks I stayed by them, I…

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Tube-Feeding & Enemas

Tube-Feeding & Enemas

  This will be a quick post. Things to do… Puppies to raise… Sleep deprivation is chronic and on-going.   I’m not the most pleasant person to be around right now… When I’m thoroughly exhausted, I’m grumpy & impatient & an alpha-bitch……….(but really/just drop the word alpha)…     The puppies are the tantamount priority right now. My day starts and ends with their care and nurturing. Actually there isn’t even a start and an end to the days………….they just…

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Puppies & Sleep Deprivation………….(yawn)…

Puppies & Sleep Deprivation………….(yawn)…

    I’m not sure I can coherently string words together to make a sentence………….. Twelve boys and three girls…………………. Baby Irish Wolfhounds are so tiny to begin with. It’s hard to believe how much bigger they will be in ten weeks… It’s still just Hadrian & me……………………….. I am cross-eyed tired…………………. And Fey…………….? ………………she’s booked a cruise to the Caribbean……………..          

Busy Week Ahead/Things To Do/People To See

Busy Week Ahead/Things To Do/People To See

      Things to do…………..things to do…………..things to do…       Tomorrow my younger daughter and I have a lunch appointment with her potential employer. We’ve been waiting for this potential opportunity for a long time. My daughter completed her horticultural education in St. Augustine, Florida after completing Florida School for the Deaf & the Blind along with First Coast College.     That school is phenomenally great………….absolutely!   Lunch tomorrow is with the manager of a local,…

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