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Tag: Doctor Stevie Wonder



**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** **********Disclaimer—This Is A Farm Post—Graphic Images To Follow********** I would have posted this last week….. …..but honestly…I was just too sad….. …..Claire is gone….. It was not a surprise….. It was planned…… But that doesn’t make it any easier….. I hate having to make “those” decisions…it’s above my pay-grade….. When I brought Claire home from Alabama…(about five years ago)…I knew she wasn’t doing well….. And after being lectured by my large animal veterinarian…

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*Claire’s Hooves*

*Claire’s Hooves*

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Another post about Claire-Bear and her hooves….. I wish all my posts could be positive….. I wish Claire would heal….. …..neither one of those wishes appear to be realistic….. But the good news is…Claire isn’t acting any worse for wear….. She just keeps plugging along….. One hoof in front of the other….. Claire is inadvertently living out her own twelve-step program….. One day at a time….. Montana (our blacksmith) was here again…(it’s a…

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***Vet’s Visit***

***Vet’s Visit***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** An appointment with Doctor Stevie Wonder was made….. There were several things that needed to be done or checked….. Doctor Wonder pulled blood from Anja & Claire….. …..given Addy’s sudden death…it was suggested to me…and seemed prudent…to check both mare’s blood panels….. ……we await the results….. AND…we wanted Doctor W to evaluate Claire’s hind hoof “abscess”….. The good doctor had quite the potpourri of things to do during this appointment….. I’ve always marveled…

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—The Blacksmith Visit—

—The Blacksmith Visit—

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Montana (our Blacksmith) came out recently…to trim Claire’s & Anja’s hooves….. He trimmed Anja’s hooves without any issues….. We put Claire in the shoeing stock…dosed her with some sub-lingual Dormosedan/happy-gel…(there are days I want some of that blue-goo)….. *****(Dormosedan Defined)***** We cranked up the newly-lubricated and un-frozen Come-Along….. … that time…Claire was so relaxed that she didn’t mind the big dog collars around her fetlocks…with the come-along cranking up her feet….. …..Claire leaned…

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Moving Forward…..

Moving Forward…..

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** So…I’ve started looking for a new Clydesdale or Shire mare….. … heart’s not in it….. …..I miss Addy….. I’ve gotten her bloodwork back….. It was the blood that Stevie Wonder (our Large Animal Vet) pulled right before we put Addy down….. I haven’t gone over it with him yet………….there’s obviously no rush….. What I have done…is call and set up an appointment with a surveillance camera company that we’ve researched….. …..they are going…

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*The Hoof Abscess Saga…aka Addy’s Last Post*

*The Hoof Abscess Saga…aka Addy’s Last Post*

I had an entire post which had almost been completed prior to my recent cardiac “procedure”…(last Friday)….. It was all about Addy’s hoof-health and how it had improved/resolved/& healed….. Suzanne-Annette came over to bathe and body-clip the girls…to keep them more comfortable…(because their excessive winter coats are not necessary in Florida)….. Addy was bathed…clipped…and happy on Wednesday…alert…with a good appetite….. On Thursday morning…with my normal morning head-count….. …..I found Addy laying down…unable to get up…and struggling to breathe…..?….. Stevie Wonder…

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I’ve Put Off Writing This Post

I’ve Put Off Writing This Post

I haven’t wanted to write this post….. I’ve delayed and avoided it….. …..but we finally got back all the test results….. *****Well…Here Goes…Disclaimer…This Is A Farm Post…There’s Life And There’s Death That Happen On A Farm***** …..For some unknown reason………….Finley died suddenly….. I’ll include copies of the bloodwork and tests we got back….. But none of them were helpful…or informative…they were a waste of time/paper/& money….. My older daughter and I were with Finley…consoling him…while he died…it was an ugly…agonizing…protracted…

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Terrier & Hounds-tooth…(ha!)

Terrier & Hounds-tooth…(ha!)

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** No…..not the fabric pattern…..(Houndstooth…..get it?)….. When I was young…..we never considered brushing our dog’s teeth….. I don’t remember giving any of our horses any vaccinations either….. …..maybe in the 1950’s… wasn’t something you did?….. … the 1960’s…..I don’t remember worming anyone ever?….. Did those things happen back then…..?….. Were we remiss owners…..?….. …..I don’t know…..I don’t remember….. But that’s not the…

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***NOT In A Family Way***

***NOT In A Family Way***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** I’ll cut to the chase….. Doctor Stevie Wonder paid us a visit….. …..actually he paid Addy a visit….. And She’s NOT Pregnant!!! Tra!  La! Phew!………….Double Phew! It’s just toooooooooo hot to have a horse baby now!….. …..and if she were pregnant…..that would mean she would have a baby horse in about eleven months….. …..or….. …..right in the middle of next summer’s…

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***Hoof Care Time***

***Hoof Care Time***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** I “think” we’re making headway with Claire’s hooves….. But when my vet doesn’t know…..and my blacksmith doesn’t either?…. …..then who am I to guess…..(?)….. Remember that weird semi-soft-semi-turgid-lumpy-thing that appeared on the outside of Claire’s hind right hoof? My blacksmith didn’t want to touch it…..he wanted me to show it to my vet….. I showed it to Doctor Stevie Wonder…..he said…

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