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Tag: crowing

***Did You Know?***

***Did You Know?***

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* Apparently there are collars you can buy for your cacophonous roosters….. And apparently they inhibit said roosters from crowing…(be still my throbbing eardrums!)….. *****(Explanation of Rooster Collars)***** Well…apparently…that’s a thing…(?)….. Who knew!?!….. Doctor Brigid told me about them….. …..and she directed me to Amazon Marketplace….. And they (like anything else you could possibly imagine or think up) are available to be delivered to you within a few short hours(?)….. …..(personally…I find Amazon’s ability…

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~~~@#$%&*&%$#@ Roosters~~~

~~~@#$%&*&%$#@ Roosters~~~

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* CLICK HERE***Maybe This Link Will Get You To My Tick Tock Channel*** Farmers never want and/or need a surplus of roosters….. Roosters are valuable…..but you don’t need multiple/crowing birds….. …..they fight…..they do that early morning crowing-thing (try 3:30am)…..(in what world is that dawn?)…..they harass the hens….. …..they’re basically loud  &  disruptive….. … some stupid (short-lived birds) try to chase & spur you….. I try to keep our rooster population to a minimum…..just a…

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It’s a beautiful morning… The sun is just coming up… There’s still a mist rising up and a haze settling in… It’s a Florida summer, so there’s moisture dripping from every opportunity… It’s still not intolerably hot out there…….but you know it will to be shortly… I love when the assortment of birds wake up and get going with their daily business……….they fly here or there……….all having their morning chatter about what’s on the agenda for their day… …All Except…

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