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Tag: Bush Hog

***Dog Fennel***

***Dog Fennel***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I like dog fennel…I suppose that’s weird…it is a weed after all….. But I like how it smells….. …..and that’s just as well…because we currently have so much of it flourishing in our front yard….. With my recent health-hiccups (along with that heinous PTO attachment)…there hasn’t been a lot of mowing going on….. …..I’d be exhausted just trying to hook up the stupid thing to the tractor….. …..(I need to invent some tool…

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Bush Hogging ~~~ What Could Possibly Go Wrong

Bush Hogging ~~~ What Could Possibly Go Wrong

I’m taking a kinder/gentler approach to all of the bush hogging that I have to do… I’m separating it into multiple sections over several days… Today I finished the front yard… Tomorrow the back yard or the front pasture will be on the agenda… I felt loopy after just doing one third of the job today… And…I did burn my ass… The heat is grilling… The trouble with sun exposure….. … that you don’t realize that you’ve had too much…..until…

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—–Mowing…..(a study in procrastination)—–

—–Mowing…..(a study in procrastination)—–

So…..I haven’t mowed yet… It’s just so HOT out there…..(“feels like” temperature of around 106F) I heard that there’s some sort of (fairly) rare Sahara Desert dust cloud that is blowing over us right now… Something about it being the first time it’s been this bad in over fifty years…..(?)….. …..that’s a thing?….. It’s happened before…..(?)….. *****The Gorilla Dust Storm***** If I’m not mistaken…..isn’t there the Atlantic Ocean in between us and the Sahara Desert…..(?) …..but…..then again….. *****Hurricane Fun Facts*****…

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EVERYTHING needs bush hogging… The stupid deck is hooked up to the stupid PTO… All the stupid vegetation has grown quickly and exponentially… Unless we want our house and ourselves to be covered and consumed by greenery… It has to be done… ………….but…..I don’t want to talk about it… ………….I just have to do it…..and get it done…..while I expire into a greasy/sweaty puddle…        

The Nuances Of Mowing

The Nuances Of Mowing

Along with a day’s worth of mowing… …..I got to visit with friends… I had a long interaction with a male Red-Shouldered hawk while mowing the pasture in the front. If you remember from an earlier post, he and I have a symbiotic-relationship. The tractor and I beat the ground with twirling/metal blades, while he sits in various perches…..following us…..waiting….. He’s an opportunistic dude… …..he’ll swoop in after I’ve gone past and scoop up interesting “things” in his talons. Then…

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A PTO Poem

A PTO Poem

  I had to mow… I had to mow awhile ago… But to mow required the PTO… And the PTO is usually a No-Go… Accompanied by frustration and woe… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And so…………… with the assistance of Paolo… …….away I did go… chopping & cutting and mowing in rows… Weeds & small trees were dispatched and laid low… Small rocks & wood chips were slung to and fro… No livestock were pelted or hit with a blow… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everything’s cut short…

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