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Tag: A/C

*The Coming Steam*

*The Coming Steam*

*******Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps******* We try to get up early…… For the past months it’s been a regular routine…get up…open up the house…let in the morning air…and let out the night time staleness (i.e. slumbering hound flatulence)….. I’d like to say…I would be comfortable leaving the windows open all night long…but I’m not….. Some of the house’s windows are low…and too close to the outside ground….. Some of the windows have been replaced in the house where…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I’ve found that life is more like a bag of lemons than a box of chocolates….. …..besides if it were a box of chocolates…I’d be poking holes in the bottom to see what’s inside….. …..(I got in trouble as a child for doing that)….. …..(it seemed like a valid/prudent choice to me)….. But that bag of lemons….. … seems far more applicable in life than boxed chocolates….. I’m a big proponent of counting…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** I Have An Up-Date!….. WE HAVE A/C…..!….. …..and it’s lasted for TWO whole days…and hasn’t crapped out yet!….. Yip…Yip…Yippee…&…Tra!  La!….. …’s amazing how a few external degrees up or down can change a person’s outlook on life!….. Our air conditioner’s repair turned into a comedy of errors…corners cut at installation…damage of the original unit…mis-information…Lord knows what else….. I think…(?)…we’ve unwound the tangled rat’s nest of wires….. …..hopefully….. …..well…at least it’s cold now….. We…

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**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** Air Conditioning is a life-line here in Florida….. The pre-air-conditioned house architecture here in the South built houses that self-cooled in the summer….. The big encompassing verandas helped cool the air before the hot air entered the house….. The houses were raised off the ground with crawl-spaces underneath to allow more air circulation….. In addition…they were built with the prevailing breezes in mind….. They’d have shotgun hallways down the middle from front to…

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***My Sad Truck!***

***My Sad Truck!***

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** My truck desperately needs some TLC….. We are now in the deep middle of Florida’s sub-tropical/humid/hot/hot/hot summer….. …..remember a few months ago…when dear Molly evacuated her bowels totally all over my truck’s old/cracked upholstery….. …..(and then she proceeded to finger-paint and skate all over my truck’s back seat)….. …..I scrubbed and I scrubbed….. I’m here to say…that now with the advent of July’s humid/sticky heat….. …..things aren’t going well from an olfactory-standpoint…while you’re…

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~~~We’ve Been Dissed~~~

~~~We’ve Been Dissed~~~

**********Please Subscribe To My Blog…..It Really Helps********** ***Is “Diss” Really A Word?*** If it is…..we’ve been dissed by Danny….. ***The Conjugation Of The Verb “To Diss”*** … “we”…..I mean Patrice and me….. …..(***What’s A Patrice You Ask?***)….. Danny and my younger daughter are in BIG trouble….. You see…’s summer….. The Heat is on HI….. I’d love to have the thermostat for the air conditioner set on “frigid”….. I’d love to be on the verge of chilly while in the house…..I…

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The A/C Is Kaput!

The A/C Is Kaput!

How did they live in the South before air-conditioning?   How did they do it? (A lot of mint juleps I would guess.)   Our compressor seized yesterday…  It seized and died…   There’s no fixing it this time… It has to be replaced.     *****Monty Pyton’s “Dead Parrot” Skit*****         To reiterate my husband’s Monty Python quotes from after my last egg post——-our A/C is no more…….it has succumbed…….it is no longer pining for the…

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