***Optimus Prime~~~R.I.P.***

***Optimus Prime~~~R.I.P.***

Optimus Prime

You know how things happen in three’s?…..

They seem to anyway…..

Isabella (…Rossellini)…(out of Gina Lollobrigida…aka Lola)…(whose mother was Loren…you know…Sophia)…(we had an Italian-actress-line at one time)…..

Isabella & Alanna…..(two old goats plus one little baby)…

…..well…..Isabella passed away…..but she was old…..and really…..we had been expecting it for a long time now…..

Isabella  And  My  Younger  Daughter

And then Optimus Prime died…..!…..

I hadn’t thought Prime was that old…..

But apparently he was old enough…..


…..after talking to another goat-mentor-friend of mine…..

…..(and yes, there are such things as goat-mentor-friends)…..(I have several)…..

…..we “think” it might have been some sort of genital-related cancer…..

…..he went down so quickly…..

…..nothing had changed…..(as far as we were aware)…..

…..his diet…..his water…..his hay…..his health seemed okay…..

Prime  Not  Feeling  Well

I’ve even been adding apple cider vinegar to his food to keep his and Professor Dillamond’s potential for developing Urinary Calculi at bay…..

Remember Urinary Calculi…..?…..

The  Professor  Being  Medicated  Last  July

…..if you don’t remember what that’s all about…..I’ve listed the Professor’s post below…..

…..there will be a quiz later…..

*****See: Professor Dillamond Can’t Pee*****

Optimus  Prime  Just  A  Matter  Of  Hours  Before  He  Died

We were pretty sure that Prime was not suffering from that issue…..

He seemed to go down hill in two days…..

…..and then he was gone…..

R.I.P.  Optimus  Prime

And then there was the disappearing baby pig…..

…..he just disappeared…..

He was there one minute…..then on the next check…..(about two hours later)…..

…..he was gone…..

…..just gone…..

No signs of departure or little body leftovers or anything whatsoever…..?…..

Maybe a hawk…..or maybe a coyote…..?…..

…..we still have these five piglets…..

…..we’ll never know…..

But we’ll just keep working hard…..and keep trying…..and keep trying…..

…..and at the end of the day…..we have to respect Mother Nature and Her plan…..

Isabella  R.I.P.






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