

Addy…..Anja…..and friends…..

I’ve realized that I have left you hanging in terms of some equine-information…..


…..general gossip…..

…..that sort of thing…..

To start with…..

…..Addy’s bloodwork came back  A-OKAY!!!…..

…..Tra!   La!…..

Some of her markers showed some inflammation…..but then…..so do mine…..

…..but more importantly her liver enzymes were right where they should be…..

And that’s a relief!…..

…..maybe all of that medication that my younger daughter and I religiously shot down her throat appears to have paid off…..

Addy & Me

…..I am so glad that we don’t have to continue with that routine…..

…..I’m only just now finishing scrubbing off all of the residual medicine that I squirted on the kitchen walls and ceiling by mistake…..

I’m still taking Addy’s temperature daily…..but only once a day now…..

***(and yes…..I am still journalling it compulsively)***

***(I am hoping that it will prove to be a waste of time)***

So…………all things seem to point to Addy being healthy and good to go…..


Next there’s Claire…..

…..pregnant Claire…..

…..because she was field bred…..we are not one hundred percent sure of when she will be foaling.

Doctor Stevie Wonder estimated it to be sometime between late October and the Holidays…..

…..I did point out to Doctor Wonder that he really wasn’t going out on a limb in estimating a date of arrival…..

…..even after we shared a couple shots of Tullamore Dew (***Nice Irish Whiskey***)…..I still couldn’t get a better estimated foaling date out of the good doctor…..

…..well, poo…..

…..and now we wait…..

I’ve kept up with all of Claire’s Pneumabort-K shots…..

Claire & Brave

(***Why Pneumabort-K, You Ask?***)

…..so we are covered that way…..

I’m watching her udder…..to see when it starts filling…..(it hasn’t)…..

She looks “a little” matronly…..

…..but only a little…..

Claire & Brave

Soooooooooooooooooooooooooo…..we wait…..

…..and I’ll keep you updated as things progress…..

I Couldn’t Resist This Photo…..I Wonder If Claire Will Pass Her Mustache-Genetics To Her Baby?






2 thoughts on “…….General~~Horse~~Up-Date…….

  1. Very exciting! Can’t wait for that baby!!

    What about turmeric for Addy? There is a horse brand. Scoop into feed.

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