***Deep In the Heat***

***Deep In the Heat***

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I just came in from fly-spraying and bug-treating the horses…..

This is the time of year that I find so frustrating…..

Anja and Addy Itching Each Other…

…..forget about me…it’s got to be worse for the horses going through this…..

…..they get rained on…they get to live in a steam-room 24/7…the heat and humidity is incredible…..

Anja’s Fly Sheet

…..and let’s not even talk about the electrical lightening storms that whip through like clockwork…..

Over the years I’ve tried so many different things to help the horses through all this humidity…and the heat…and the bugs…so many bugs…..

…(see the white PVC T-Post…it’s attached to a hose & a timer…to cool the horses & flood everything)…

Suzanne Annette body clips a lot of horses for a lot of different owners…..

…..last Autumn she clipped someone’s Gypsy Vanner…..

…Gypsy Vanner…

Vanners have very long/luxurious feathering on their legs…Suzanne Annette said that this man’s horse had the cleanest/healthiest feathering that she’d ever seen…..

…..and his trick of the trade was using a pressure-washer on low-intensity once a week…..

…..to blast out all the accumulating-nasties…..

He said that was all he did to keep the scabs and bug-grungies to a minimum…..

…..I’m willing to give it a try…..

…..(except our pressure-washer is broken)…..

…..(but I figured the low-intensity from a pressure-washer might just be the same as a high-intensity nozzle from a regular hose?)…..(?)…..

…..It’s worth a shot…..

…..I’m always open to suggestions…..

My “Famous Goop” recipe does work…it soothes the skin…and stops the greasy-heel…or mud-fever…or pastern dermatitis…or whatever you want to call it…..

(*****Mud Fever*****)

(*****My “Famous Goop” Recipe******)

…..(but it’s messy)…..

…(what ours look like)…

If high-pressure hosing the Clydesdale’s feathering will get rid of their crud…that’d be great…..

…..maybe I could follow it up with a rinse of colloidal silver or chlorhexidine?…..

…(what they could look like)…

…..(What’s Chlorhexidine?)…..

Like I said…I’m willing to try anything…..






#mudfever #gypsyvanner #

#clydesdale #pasterndermatitis #greaseheel #chlorhexidine #colloidalsilver #pressurewasher

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