~~~A Goat Tale~~~

~~~A Goat Tale~~~

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Professor Dillamond

The Professor was an old man…..

…..when Doctor Brigid was over recently…she commented on his age…..

…..we couldn’t remember how old he was…he’d been here for years…I haven’t looked at his papers yet…..

I guess by now…you’ve realized…I’m using the past tense…..

Professor Dillamond died right before Hurricane Ian…..

…..it was a peaceful death…he had a long life…he was a good boy…..

The Professor  &  Optimus Prime…

But then with the approaching hurricane…other priorities took over…where the Professor had chosen to die was a nice place…so…with the pending storm…we decided he could stay put…..

We figured we’d take care of “things” after the storm…..

Immediately before the storm…the vultures returned…..

…..that’s okay…everyone needs to eat…and the Professor didn’t mind…at least not that he mentioned…..

The first day after Ian…my older daughter noticed Wisp was chewing on a small bone in the back yard…..

…..my daughter took it away…(Wisp was not pleased)…..

We were on alert…bones just don’t materialize in our back yard…..

We figured it was a snack the vultures mistakenly dropped over the fence…..

But…next…my daughter saw Wisp tossing a stick up in the air…but it wasn’t a stick…..

…..it was a Vertebral Column!…in its entirety!…..

We assumed…it was Dillamond’s…..

But upon closer inspection of the Professor’s remains…all of his spine was still there…..(???)…..

Now The Question Is…..

Whose Backbone IS This?…..

…..we have NO idea?…..

We quickly counted heads…..

…..nobody was missing…..

…..but an entire/decimated spine belonged to someone!?!…..

…..maybe a big deer?  All of our goats and hounds are accounted for…Mama Pig’s still here…..


So now the crows throw egg shells at me and the vultures are heaving bones(?)…..

…..(it’s unusual for a vulture to pick up and move something that big)…..

A mystery…we may never know…It Was Somebody’s!?!…..

I do have to add that my older daughter didn’t hesitate at wrestling the smelly body parts out of the Wolfhound’s maws…..

…..they weren’t pleased…..

…..She wasn’t either…..

Honestly…she needs to put that on her resume…but I’m afraid…..it’s not going to win her any dates…..

…..sometimes…she’s a little scary…..

Dillamond, Prime, and Curry as youngsters…






#buckgoats #vultures #hurricaneIan #spinalcolumn #optimusprime #professordillamond

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