***Wry Neck***

***Wry Neck***

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And now for an alternative medicine post…..

Since having been immersed in the raising of the most recent Irish Wolfhound puppies…I’ve re-aggravated my chronic super-sore neck…(which I would now have to categorize as acutely sore)…..

It’s always been an issue…probably because of being dropped on my head so much from horseback…..

…..but it is what it is…..

The cervical spine is a delicate structural curvature…..

I think there’s room for structural improvement but (along with the fragile/floppy knee joint)…I haven’t found a Suggestion Box where I could log my meaningful complaints and suggestions…..

…..I mean…have you ever seen where the patella is on a horse’s anatomical chart?…our knee joint just screams inefficiencies…..

And our necks!…..

…..all wobbly…and vulnerable…..

We should’ve evolved with a tortoise shell around it…..

Maybe if I’d had one of those…it wouldn’t hurt so much now…..

But recently…what with spontaneous napping (whenever I could in between puppy feedings)…..

…..leaning on the side of the couch…..

…..sleeping on the couch…..

…..drooling on the couch…..

…..my arthritic neck is all the worse for wear…..

I have the microwaveable buckwheat pads…the transcutaneous electric nerve stimulators (T.E.N.S. units)…the relaxing bath bombs…..


*****(Neck Pads—a Discussion)*****

…..you name it…I’ve tried it…..

*****(Neck Traction)*****

But I’d forgotten about the C5 Still Point Inducer…..

*****(Wordy but Valuable Research)*****

*****(Still Point Inducer Information)*****

I had totally forgotten I had one…..

…..I located it…dusted it off…and set the oven timer for ten minutes…..

It was uncomfortable as hell…but it really helped…..

…..(that and a massage with a styrofoam coffee cup of frozen ice)…..

My left sinus opened…my neck pain subsided…and my headache went away…..

I’m not advocating…I’m not even suggesting…..

I’d just forgotten I even had one…..

…..And…I now can see my right shoulder again…..






#upledgerinstitute #necktraction  

#amta #stillpointinducer #tensunit #transcutaneouselectricnervestimulator #hydrocollolatorpad

4 thoughts on “***Wry Neck***

  1. I was going to suggest the microwaveable neck thing—–I love mine—–but I guess you’ve already tried it.

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