Why?~~~Why Do Horses Rub?

Why?~~~Why Do Horses Rub?

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I don’t get it…..

This is the coolest time of the year here in balmy/sub-tropical Florida…..

This is the time of year when the bugs (and snakes and stuff) are at their lowest-activity-level…..

“One” would think that the “irritants” to a horse would be at a minimum…..

“One” would think that…..”One” would…..Right?…..

…..But Noooooo!…..

Addy…..for no reason at all….has decided to rub a 4″ x 4″ oozing/raw patch on the side of her neck…..

…..and part of her mane…..

…..and now the side of her muzzle…..(?)…..


I’m exhausted trying to figure out the cause of these things…..

Bug  Drool

…..allergies to food…..(?)…..(nothing’s changed)…..allergies to gnat spit (it’s a thing)…..(?)…..(nope, it’s too cold for gnats now)-(or No-See-Um’s)…..dryness in the air…..maybe…..(what!?!…..she needs lotion?)…..

…(Coconut Oil Cream)…

…..I would have thought that dried/salty/sweat from the humidity & heat of a Florida summer would’ve been more of a culprit…..

…..and flies…..but the flies are at a low-ebb right now…..

…..I just don’t understand…..

I’ll be chainsawing some of the low-hanging branches off the oak tree she’s been using for rubbing…..

…..but at this rate…..I’ll have to chainsaw down the entirety of the mulberry tree because she’s rubbing her mane and face and ass on it…..(?)…..

Maybe she’s developed allergies…..(?)…..or sometimes they’ll have intestinal parasites & rub their butts and subsequently all of the hair off the base of their tail…..

…..but she’s being wormed regularly…..I even sprinkled diatomaceous earth in her mane…..in case she has mites…..

…..Addy doesn’t appear to have rain rot…..she could do with more regular brushing…..but then so could I…..

I could inject her with Dexamethasone (for itching)…..but it’s only a temporary fix…..and it’s a strong drug that I don’t want to use too often…..

…(sorry for the blurry picture…it was rolling)…

***Florida…Bugs…and Itching Horses…and Dex***

I just would’ve thought that this would be a problem in the middle of summer…..not now…..

…..(another good routine is stalling the sensitive horses during “peak-bug-times” and keeping a fan on them)…..


…..DAMMIT ADDY…..leave it to you to be allergic to bug-spit…..

(P.S.—–my older daughter just mentioned that maybe Addy is laying down in & then reacting to…the lush/thriving/annual/nettles!?!—–)

(—–I think the kid might have something there!?!—–)

(—–I just made up some Listerine/Peppermint oil spray to (maybe) soothe Addy’s itching—–)

…(Stinging Nettles…Fireweed…*****Definition*****)…




#mosquitoes #horseflies #bugbites #fireweed

#fireweed #nettles #dexamethasone #rainrot #listerine #peppermintoil #allergies #florida #floridabugs

2 thoughts on “Why?~~~Why Do Horses Rub?

    1. I just remembered…I need to make some “Goop” for you. I’ve tried my Listerine and Peppermint Oil concoction on Addy and Anja. It might be helping a bit. They seem to be healing more and rubbing less…(?) I may add some colloidal silver to the next batch for more of a healing aspect. Want to try some?

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