When It Rains…..It Pours…

When It Rains…..It Pours…

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We’re currently working through the debris of broken down vehicles…..

I finally got my truck back from our friendly mechanic…..

…..I didn’t really miss the poor dear…..

…..I was in the hospital…..

But being a three-vehicle-family…..we were down to about half a vehicle…..

My older daughter’s truck was dead as a door nail (why are door nails dead?)…..

…..but that’s just a normal homeostasis/resting-state of her old truck…..

…..we jump-start the poor dear from time to time…..she rolls for a bit…..

…..and then she (predictably) rests…..

The regular car here is actually still rolling…..but the A/C doesn’t want to work…..

…..in 90+ degree weather…..

…..that’s as good as being broken down…..

And then there’s my truck…..

…..on the way to the hospital (for that infamous TEE)…..

…..it decided to blow an oil hose…..

…..just as I was passing an eighteen-wheeler…..

I was able to limp to a nearby Rest-Stop on the side of the Interstate before the engine turned itself off and the steering wheel locked up…..

…..(never a good thing on the Interstate going 70+++mph)…..

…..ALL fifteen quarts of motor oil spewed out…..in billowing black smoke…..and glugging puddles underneath the dead engine…..

…..not pretty…..

I had to Uber to the hospital…..

Our wonderful mechanic & friend (Steve) needed to put my poor truck on his flatbed…..

I was sure the engine had blown…..and was now just a glorified ship’s anchor…..


…..(DOUBLE  @#$%%^&^@$%#%^&&%$$@@$)…..


I made my TEE appointment and subsequent hospitalization & surgery…..

…..but my poor truck…..

…..I was sure my wonderful truck was inexhume-ably dead…..

…………………………….such sadness……………………………..

…..(no truck…equals…no hauling…equals…no Hunting)…..

…………………………….such sadness……………………………..

BUT…..Steve…..our guardian angel…..diesel mechanic…..

…..said all that was necessary was replacing a ruptured hose to (or from) the oil pump…..and a major steam-cleaning of the engine…..


We dodged the bullet on THAT ONE!…..!…..!

Now my truck is back…..

…..the A/C is being fixed in the car…..

…..and my older daughter’s truck continues to be an itching post for Addy…..




#fordf-350, #fordf-250, #oilpump, #eighteenwheeler, #seizedengine,

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