When? Addy! When?

When? Addy! When?


I hate this part…

I hated waiting when I was pregnant…

I hate waiting now…

I want to DO something…

Dr. Stevie Wonder said Addy would deliver sometime in May or June…

…..well, fifty percent of that time is over now………….STEVIE!!

Twiddling thumbs is not my strong point…..

Addy’s looking large…..

…..she always looks large…..now, she’s absolutely ginormous…

…..it’s fun playing the game of trying to guess what the pokie-bit is that’s jutting out on her side…..

…..is it a bony baby butt?…..is it a baby elbow?…..or is it a forehead?…..

***Note The Lop-Sided Belly***

…..and then the little munchkin…..(or Addy)…..moves away from our probing hands…..

…..I HATE waiting patiently…..

…..GEEZ, it’s the worst!…..

I tell myself that a healthy mom and a healthy baby is worth the wait…..

The Panacur Powerpac (that’s been on back-order) has finally arrived, and I started giving it to Addy yesterday…

It’s a five day thing…

She’s a very large woman, so she gets two syringes a day…

(it’s tasty & minty…..we like it)

Addy has some really strong/drug-resistant worms…

Just where has she been dragging her bottom in the past!?!

Addy…..you and I need to talk!

We need to discuss your previous social group!

Hopefully this Panacur do-dah will eradicate those wormy-hitchhikers…..

…..Now…I know you all are waiting for some more parasitic-candids of my horse’s butt…..so here goes…..

Addy’s Butt & Company

…..It’s just another run-of-the-mill/rural/animal-husbandry day at the oasis…..

My perfume these days has been Eau d’ Anthelmintic………….chalky, but with a nice after-blush of fresh fruit…

But seriously…..I want to get rid of these things before Addy foals…..otherwise what’s in the mom is also in the baby…..

Violet & Bennett Right After Birth

…..then we just keep on waiting and keeping our fingers crossed…….

Macy & Drum

…..the first thing I want to see of Addy’s new baby is two hooves with a tiny muzzle resting on top them…..

…..that’s what we are all hoping for…….

Christina Just After She Delivered Brave

I really hate waiting………….






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