What The @#$%$#@ Happened!!!

What The @#$%$#@ Happened!!!

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…..I Am Home…I Am Home…I AM HOME!…..

…..I Do have to give myself stomach injections of enoxaparin twice daily…..

…..BUT I AM HOME!…..

The nurses laughed watching me give myself shots…..

Irrigating Anja’s bug bite abscess…(this is an old photo)…

They said it was obvious I was more used to giving shots to the farm animals…..

…..they coached me on how not to “fist” an injection…(you farmers out there know what I’m talking about)…..

…(this photo is a few years old…I don’t (usually) give expired shots)…

I’ve always been very active…I thought I was helping insure my heart-health…..


…..I Was Not Expecting This One…(but honestly…I will be sixty-nine this month)…..

We haven’t gotten to the bottom of everything yet…but we will…..

I hate the follow-up doctor’s appointments…but they’re necessary…that’ll be where the answers are…..

I’m making lemonade…but…I’m friggin’ tired of swiggin’ friggin’ lemonade…..

…..(a mediocre bourbon and coke would be preferable)…..

…..(plus I’d like to point out it would qualify as a blood-thinner too)………….(of sorts)…..

As you can see…I’m not a good patient…..

I loved when they asked if I’d fallen in the last month(?)…..

What?…You mean…when I was trampled by the goats?…or knocked over by a zealous Wolfhound?…or got my boot hung up in a root?…You areĀ Joking…Right?…..

I thought I’d prepped for good heart-health…..

…..in the past…I literally ran my toenails off…to help insure good aerobic health…..

…..my heart-stats were great…my recovery time was even better…..

…..(maybe I should’ve opted for pretty pedicures and pretty feet instead?)…..

Oh well…it is what it is…..

The hypoxia (lack of oxygenated blood) got fairly dramatic…(…Hypoxia?…)…it started dropping to 75% (it should be in the 90’s)…and that was just walking around the pasture…..

…..(okay…maybe that’s not quite true)…..

I wasn’t just “walking”…I was really fixing the electric fencing…for a number of hours…in the heat of the day…and usually upside-down…..

……(but I knew if I told the doctors…they’d just focus on “that”…and not on “why” it happened)…..

They were surprised I made it back to the house without passing out…(at only 75% oxygenation/at sea level)…..

…..(I may have had to cling to a few fence posts…tree trunks…and Wolfhounds to get back to the house—but that’s my secret…they don’t need to know that either…shhhhh)…..

I knew I was in trouble when I started arguing with my new work gloves…(they were talking back and very judgy and totally uncooperative)…..

…(and yes, I am sitting on the ground)…(and apparently taking photos, too?)…

Hey…compliant work gloves are a must…..

So the transient hypoxia needs to be medically addressed and figured out…the lung clots need to be re-absorbed…..

…..(at least the fencing’s been fixed)…..

My older daughter filled in writing my blog posts for me…..

…(I was told…there may have been hard cider involved)…(That’s My Girl!)…

Thank God!…..

…..(and I may have been frenetically obnoxious about that one)…..

…..(and that’s an under-statement)…..

I did get lectured (excessively & repeatedly) by the same daughter…..

She said…I can’t expect to return to working like I did when I was in my thirties…(?)…..

…(nice bracelets, huh?)…(but…still sitting on the ground)…(it’s important to be dressed nicely when you pass out)…



…(delirious…but apparently still taking pictures)…





#heparin #eliquis #bloodthinners #blog #blobpost #lovenox #enoxaparin #

#hypoxia #oxigenation #ateretgloves #wellslamontgloves #ironcladworkgloves #cardiac #xeralto

5 thoughts on “What The @#$%$#@ Happened!!!

    1. I’m feeling better. I’d like to get whatever this is totally behind me. Don’t worry about Anja. She is just fine. That’s an old photo from early in 2021. Anja had developed an abscess from a bug bite. I just wanted to show my use of a syringe. Hope all is well with you guys.

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