What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

I just read that approximately 750 million sterilized mosquitoes are due to be released in the Florida Keys…

*****Not Guaranteed To Be Sterile…..?…..hmmmmmmmm*****

It’s an experimental study…..or some such thing…

Well…….Oakie Dokie then…

Back Yard Swamp

…..a good friend, Doc, recently pointed out (he actually lives with that alias)…..

…..why worry about 750 million…..(?)…..

…..that’s already what’s in your back yard on any given evening…..

Same Back Yard Swamp

…..hmmmmmmm…..I think Doc has a point there…..

…..on paper…..the study looks good…..

…..the logic sounds wonderful…..

Sterilized mosquitoes can’t reproduce…..

(…….or can they…….)

…..thus reducing the mosquito population…..

…..and reducing the potential incidence for skeeter-carried diseases…..

Mosquito-borne diseases are really nasty realities…..for both people and animals…..

…..Zika and dengue and West Nile are all serious illnesses…..not to mention maleria and so many others…..

…..but there’s this little voice in the back of my head that has a sharp edge of apprehension…..

It says…..who remembers the advent of the Japanese beetle(?)…..

…..or Dutch Elm disease(?)…..

…..or the ever popular Love Bug…..(with all of its associated urban legend)…..(?)

…..which I (for one) believe…..

***Snopes Wouldn’t Lie—Snopes Knows Everything***

…..and let’s not forget the Medfly or Citrus Greening…..

…..or COVID-19…..oops!…..did I just say that…..(?)…..

The list (along with that little voice) goes on and on and on…..

So…..let’s genetically sterilize uncountable & unaccountable hordes of mosquitoes and release them in an optimal environment during a Florida summer with the high possibility of a hurricane rounding the bend and blowing them all over the rest of the country…..

*****A Mosquito-Infested Rabbit Hole?…..(or good sense)…..You Decide*****

Is that little voice in the back of my head just worn-out/old-fashioned/out-worn housewife logic…..(?)…..

*****But Wait There’s More—–Oxitec*****

I don’t know where I stand on this…..

*****Monday Morning Quarterbacking*****

Generally I am against GMO’s in anything…….Mother Nature usually comes back and bites you…..

Front Yard View

I try to make it a habit to err on the side of Mother Nature…..


GMO  =  Godawful, Mutated & Opprobrious





(she says emphatically…while rejecting the advent of the wheel and the electric light bulb…..)



One thought on “What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

  1. Then there is the infamous Cross Florida Barge Canal, pre-dating the love bugs (which I was here for and remember quite well when the scientists on news were saying the love bugs would eliminate mosquitoes). The Army Corps of Engineers…..can’t live with them…..can’t live with them!

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