

Claire & Braveheart

My younger daughter predicts this coming Tuesday…..

I predict this coming Thursday…..

My older daughter is splitting the difference with Wednesday…..

We are talking about when Claire will possibly foal…..

…..as has been talked about before (ad nauseam)…..it’s a waiting game…..

I don’t care if it’s a girl…..I don’t care if it’s a boy…..

…..I just want Mom and baby to be healthy and happy with four hooves securely on the ground…..

I know we are all thinking about last June…..

…..with Addy’s rough delivery and subsequent loss of her filly…..

That was a tough one…..

And let’s not forget about the horse deaths to botulism poisoning in April of 2018…..

…..those dates will forever be etched in my mind…..

…..some things will never wash off…..


…..we keep moving forward…..that Twelve-Step-Program called Life…..

…..to that effect…..

…..my younger daughter is guessing on Tuesday…..

…..and I’m holding out for Thursday…..

…..while Claire is just happily napping in the pasture…..

We’ve gotten past the recent full moon…..

We’ve gotten past the New Year’s Eve fireworks…..

…..(legal as well as illegal)…..

…..remember this is  “the South”…..

…..and every Bubba, Lefty, & Stumpy have recently set their lighters to their arsenal of fireworks on New Year’s Eve…..

…..that’s enough to send anyone into labor…..

…..they could probably have ignited the fuses with their breath alone…..

But Claire hung in there…..

…..her baby hasn’t cooked enough yet…..

…..and because I don’t have a history with Claire’s foaling…..

…..I’m wondering…..

…..either she’s just far enough out from foaling that both halves of her udder haven’t bagged up yet…..

Claire’s Lop-Sided Udder

…..or maybe she’s had mastitis in her past and one half of her mammary-system is scarred-down and won’t fill anymore…..

…..I know that can happen in dairy goats…..I’m not sure about horses…..I suppose it makes logical sense…..(?)…..

One Of Our Dairy Goats (with a lop-sided udder AND a crappy attachment)

Claire does have colostrum in both halves now…..there’s just a marked size difference…..and she’s had a number of babies in the past…..(her most recent was a john mule)…..

Again…..time will tell…..

…..and you can’t hurry time…..

Claire Continues To Be Patient







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