Tornados and Pajamas

Tornados and Pajamas



Personal routines go out the window when you are caring around the clock for a new litter of puppies.


I keep up with brushing my teeth……………….but the rest?………………..not so much.


So to find myself still in my pajamas in the afternoon is not that super surprising.



When you are feeding a litter of very needy puppies 24/7, it’s hard to really identify when the day begins and when the day ends…………………………….it all just flows and oozes forward and into the next…

Today we have a “dramatic” “cold front” that’s hanging out in the Gulf of Mexico to our left (if you are facing north).

By “dramatic” I mean the temperature high tomorrow is forecasted to plummet to 75 F degrees…………………not too “dramatic” in my book…

But with the impending cool front comes fractious weather.

It’s been gray all day.  Some intermittent sprinkles.  But nothing more than that.

I was surprised when the telephone rang and the answering machine clicked on and the recording was warning me of an impending tornado.


Oh no, Auntie Em!…………


I went to all of the windows and surveilled the situation outside…

Nothing looked like there was any “dramatic” percolating weather concern………..

I figured that it wasn’t the best of times to go outside and finish feeding the turkeys and rabbits…………


I figured I should prudently wait………….

So, I did.


Then the electricity went on and off a few times.  The internet went out for a while.

It rained a bit more…………………..but that was it.

When the internet came back on, I checked the radar and the bad band of weather had already gone over us………….we were lucky here…

I don’t think the horses or goats even noticed.

I took advantage of that meteorological-window-of-opportunity and ran outside (still in my pajamas) armed with feed cans and buckets and did a speed-feed of all of the hungry critters.


If my daughters had been home, I’m sure they would have disapproved of my “pj’d-pasture-sprint”……….but they weren’t home………so there!

It was the middle of the day……….most neighbors were still at work……….AND it was in the middle of a tornado warning……………, who would be out in that (except me)?


I think I deserved a “Pass Go” card and that I shouldn’t be judged too harshly for still being in my pajamas (in the pasture) in the middle of the day, during a tornado alert…

(I think the real question is………………..just how long have I been wearing this specific pair of pajamas………?)





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