Tornadoes & Pajamas Update

Tornadoes & Pajamas Update




This post is written with apologies and grateful thanks.

I have recluse tendencies on good days.

But when there’s a litter of very needy puppies, I turn into super-hermit and I perch on the edge of the couch and stare at the puppies in their puppy-box around the clock…

I get compulsive…………………………..(just a bit)

Plus…………here’s another reason not to go out…………..I would have to take off my marathon pajamas………….


And that’s not happening……………….(what and loose my compulsive-wierdo-identity?)

(Patrice understands.)

(Patrice/Explained on an Earlier Post)




But I did have to go out yesterday for my once-a-month Walmart pilgrimage.

(By the way………………frozen turkeys are .69 cents per pound right now……………..time to stock up.)


I was surprised (and grateful that we were spared) at what I saw in and around our neighborhood.


……………….very close…………….in and around our neighborhood…

Trees down.

Trees leaning on houses.

Chain-sawed chunks of trees by the side of the road.

I even had a detailed, dramatic conversation with the edgy check-out lady at Walmart (the one we usually try to avoid when checking out———she’s just so mean!)

But this time I felt bad for her.

They lost electricity for over twenty-four hours.  Lost a lot of trees on their property.

Their neighbors had trees fall on their house with limbs through the roof and into their bedroom……………..


Phew…………….we were lucky!

Not even a blow!?!


I heard on the news afterwards that there were four (4) recorded F-1 category tornadoes in our area.

But that’s the way tornadoes are.

They hit bad in one spot and not in another.

Some friends of ours had a tornado demolish their barn a number of years ago (no animals were inside at the time).

They said it was so odd going through the rubble……………….a shelf on one remaining wall still had things neatly stacked on it, like nothing had happened at all………………..except that the rest of the barn was in a heap…

A few years later, lightening hit that same (now re-built) barn and it burned to the ground…………..(no animals were in it then either)……………they have subsequently re-built yet another barn………..but in a different area on their farm…

Like I’ve said it multiple times before……………..Mother Nature rules!!!

We were fortunate.

We really were.





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