To Be Honest—I Don’t Want To Be Honest

To Be Honest—I Don’t Want To Be Honest

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I guess I’ve been in denial…..

…..or maybe it’s more of a visualization of what I intend as my reality…..

I was hoping I’d be riding by now…..

…..but I’m not…(sigh)…..

First Flight in the distance…

Why?…because of a condition called Refractory Blood Pressure and what looks like an on-going irregular heart beat…(premature ventricular & arterial contractions)…..

But…yippee…it does seem that the atrial fibrillations are gone now (woot woot!)…..

It took a while…the ablation for the A-fib (see…I’m cool with the current nomenclature) was last September, 2021…..

… looks like they’re finally gone…(I have pills for that)…..

(*****Just What Is This Refractory Stuff?*****)

My blood pressure has been all over the charts…WAY too high…and then…WAY too low…..

I’ve changed doctors…they’ve changed pills…there are blockers and inhibiting-calcium-do-dahs and thinners…..

…..some of the blood pressures have had close to identical systolic & diastolic numbers?…..

…..(that can’t be good)…..

…..was my heart just deciding to do some isometrics?…(no pain/just weird)…..

Spanish Moss on a horse trailers flood light…

…..I used to run a lot…(five days a week)…for years and years…I was very heart-aware…very health-conscious…(just ask my scoured colon)…..

…..but that was before four artificial joints…and the recent handfuls of cardiac pills twice daily…..

…..(maybe all that running’s why I needed new sets of hips and knees?)…..

Look what happened to Jim Fixx!…(***”The Complete Book of Running” by Jim Fixx***)…..

…..(that was another cool book from the Seventy’s)…..

Maybe there’s something to be said about moderation?…(I wouldn’t know)…..

I’ll think about that one…..

…..I’ll do it over a Moon-Pie and an icy/mediocre bourbon & Coke…..

But for now…..

…..whether it’s the ineffective oxygenization of my current heart condition or that combined with the multiple pills I’m currently swilling…..

It leaves me too weak to pick up my saddle…much less heave it sky-high onto Addy’s back…..

…..and then be expected to stay in that saddle…..


I’ve decided this is temporary…and not to be continued…it’s totally cramping my style…and will NOT be entertained as an on-going reality…..

My heart is going to shape up now…..

I have fox hunts I’m missing…..




#cardiacmedicine #moonpie #jimfixx #thecompletebookofrunning 

#southcreekfoxhounds #foxhunting #foxhuntinginflorida #atrialfibrillation #pvc #pac #afib

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