Three Ducklings

Three Ducklings

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***(Notice Pye…the cat…In The Background)***

Only three ducklings hatched out…..

…..not a great hatching percentage I guess…..

…(not our ducklings…but so cute)…

…..but the three that hatched out are happy with the results…..

There were seventeen eggs that didn’t hatch…..

…This One Made It Out…(butt first)…

…..I gave them extra time in the incubator…..just to make sure…..

…..but by the mounting smell…..

… was rapidly becoming obvious…..the remaining eggs had no intention of hatching…..

…..exploding maybe…..


I carefully took the unhatched eggs outside to where we feed the crows…..(I wanted to see if the crows were interested in them)…..

… of this morning…..all of the eggs were cracked into…..none of them where eaten…..

…..but the ants were enjoying themselves…..

I’m expecting the crows to start bombarding me with rotten egg shells any moment now…..

I’ve been collecting a few more duck eggs…..not many…..I thought I’d try again…..

…..the seventeen that didn’t hatch…..were quite muddy & dirty…..

I have the three little ducklings under a heat lamp now in an aquarium-brooder (without the water)…..

I have bricks holding down the wire top…..(to keep the cats out)…..

I didn’t clean the aquarium’s glass sides…..they’re very smeared and dirty…..


…..the cats can’t get a good focus on the ducklings that way…..

The babies will spend the next week on the kitchen counter…..where I can keep an eye on them (and the cats)…..until they’re ready for the back porch…..

…(notice the bent top from prior cats attempting a “closer visit”)…

They sure are cute…..with such big beaks and big feet…..

Duck Feet…(and Pye)…

Oh…..and if you were wondering…..

…..the Red Wyandotte chicks from B.J. are now out in the turkey coop…..

…..they are adolescent and gawky and growing…..

… looks like there might be a few choices for Simone for her next “Show Rooster”…..

Here comes…..


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Rex Goliath the III~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

…(a face you just have to love)…






#redlacedwyandotte #runnerduck #duckling #cockerel #rexgoliath #merlot #pinotnoir #redwine

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