***This Old Mattress***

***This Old Mattress***

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There are unspoken topics…..

Many of them are obvious…..

Some less so…..

Nasty…Lumpy…Old…Stained…Ratty…(did I mention Stained?)…mattresses are one of those taboo-topics…..

…..they take on a life of their own…..

…..they can become lethal Petri dishes…..

I currently have one contained & corralled in multiple zipped-up/plastic/impermeable covers…..

I’ll be frank…..I don’t know how old this mattress is…..there’s a collapsed-crater in the middle that I keep rolling into and getting trapped in…..

…..only my flailing arms and feet show above the rim…..

Remember a number of years back?…the advertisements stating that you had to change your mattress every eight years?

They were very specific about the years from purchase to trashing…..

…..(I think our mattress was purchased during the last Ice Age)…..

…..*****(Dealing with Bed Bugs)*****…..*****(Mattress Weight Gain? It’s A Thing?)*****…..

…..because bed bugs had taken over…and increased the weight of your mattress ten-fold(?)…by pooping…ewwwwwww…..

Bed Bugs…Dust Mites…Cat Hair-Balls…what else…..?…..

My new mattress will be the new-novelty in this house…..

…..being the Newest-Novelty here…is the kiss-of-death…it attracts too much attention…..

…..it’s more survivable here to slide under the radar…and to be old/worn/& boring…..

I’m not so worried about bugs or mites…..

I’m more worried about cats hurling-hair-balls…and new territorial “markings” (which is a nice/sterilized way of saying “pee’ing on things for ownership”…..

That one has always boggled my mind…..

…..(A Cat’s Thought Process:  This new thing is mine…because I’ve pee’d on it…Oh!?!…You’ve already pee’d on it?…Well it’s mine now…because I’ve pee’d over your pee…so my pee trumps yours…therefore…I own it)…..

If you’re reading this post now…you might quietly know what I’m talking about…..

…..(there’s no pee-shaming here)…..

It’s a universal “ownership-by-pee” thing…..

…..it applies to animals…and toddlers…and some adults…..

But back to my old mattress………….it’s thoroughly dump-worthy…..

It’s going to the dump with those water-proof covers still in place…..

…..(I wouldn’t dare take those things off!!!)…(that might start another pandemic!)…..

My new mattress is ready to go…I’ve got two/NEW totally-water-proof/zip-around/full covers…at the ready…..

…..I know “they” say that diatomaceous earth doesn’t help…but I’m slathering scoopfuls inside the covers anyway…..

…..it will “POOF” when I roll on it…..

So I’m all set…..

I have my new mattress-plans in place…..

…..maybe I should consider small corks and super glue where the cats are concerned…..

…..nasty/old/stained mattresses happen…maybe talking about them on an international blog isn’t the best of choices…..(?)…..

…..but hey…I’ve made worse choices in my life…..

(*****No Black-Lights Allowed Here*****)






#superglue #bedbug #blacklight #petridish

#sealy #sealyposturepedic #serta #casper #superglue #diatomaceousearth #iceage

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