***Market-Bound Piggies***

***Market-Bound Piggies***

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…..(The Saga of the Pigs…continued)…..

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…..so where did we leave off?…..

We already had the three big boars loaded in B.J.’s trailer…..

Three Boars…..(and my thumb)…

…..my older daughter and I were so thoroughly spent & exhausted…..

…..the hogs had full bellies…..what with all of the dog food & cat food & hand-fed eggs…..

…..not to mention the serenading…..

But we weren’t done…..

We were almost out of time…..

We had forty-five minutes to make a forty minute drive to the auction’s early check-in…..

…..I discovered that B.J.’s trailer is quite aero-dynamic…..

B.J.’s Trailer…

…..(shhhhhhhhh, Pascal…….don’t tell B.J.)…..

Pascal…***See Glossary***

But…..we made it…..with only a couple minutes to spare…..

…..that way we were guaranteed a shady stall in the barn for our pigs to wait out the auction…..

Our Boys In Their Stall…

It is the Ides of Summer here in Florida…..the heat can be dangerous for everybody…..fur…..feathered…..and humans…..

My daughter and I both registered for our auction numbers…..we’d never been to this auction before…..

The Competition…..(they had NOTHIN’ on us)…

We met Jerry…..he seemed to be the main go-to guy…..

I also spotted a very nice peacock in a cage who was also awaiting the auction…..


…..this is why I always leave a SASE (self-addressed, stamped envelope) with the Jerry’s of the auction-world…..

…..so that they can mail me the sales check…..

…..and I don’t have to be sitting in the stands…..

…..potentially (assuredly) bidding on peacocks…..or other critters…..

…..who need to follow me home…..


…..were we done yet borrowing B.J.’s trailer and taking pigs to the auction?….

…..no…..we were not…..

…..(to be continued…..again)…..






#farm #hogs #pigs #country #blog #farmblog #swamphag #florida

2 thoughts on “***Market-Bound Piggies***

  1. Looove me some peacocks. I have been told that they don’t stay around (if you don’t get them very young).
    Bravo on a job partially well done!

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