There’s Good News…..and There’s Bad News…..(aka~Sorry Simone)…..

There’s Good News…..and There’s Bad News…..(aka~Sorry Simone)…..

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Let’s start with the Good News…..

Our friend B.J. recently hatched out some of his hen’s eggs……they’re Red Wyandottes…..

I asked him if I could have one of the cockerels…..just one…..

… pullets…..just one baby rooster…..


…..somehow when B.J. came over to help my older daughter with the wiring on her horse trailer…..

…..he brought ALL of his recently hatched-out chicks…..all seven chick-lets…..

Somewhere in this mix of puff balls is the one little cockerel that I’d asked for…..

…..they’re now out on the porch…..keeping our geriatric cockatoo (Long John Silver) company…..

Sooooooo…..that’s the Good News…..

Here’s the Bad News…..

…..Simone’s second and final Rooster Rex kicked the bucket last week…..

…..his twin brother bought it last winter…..(and I don’t know why)…..

…(Rooster Rex #1 or #2… decide)…

…..last week I went out the front door and looked to my right and saw this…..

Rex Goliath~~~R.I.P.
…(an X-Rooster)…

Both brothers died within six months of each other…..for no apparent reason…..

…..(the typical causes were ruled out…..coyotes …..Wolfhounds …..foxes …..Wolfhounds …..raccoons …..Wolfhounds)…..

Rooster Rex (#1 or #2) and his girls…

…..I think it was old age…..they both had good lives…..

…..You’re probably going to ask…..but…..I have NO idea how old they were…..

…..(chickens habitually lie about their age)…..

Now you know why I asked B.J. for a baby rooster…..

He’s not a Blue-Laced Red Wyandotte like Rex Goliath #1 and #2 were…..but a Red Wyandotte all the same…..

…..and I just HAD TO get a replacement bird for Simone to show at the next Florida State Fair…..

Simone…..perhaps a socially-shared/internationally-circulated blog isn’t the most sensitive avenue to let you know of your rooster(s’) demise(s)…..

…..(truth be told…’s been said that I lack tact)…..


…..there you have it…..

…..your old birds are goners…..your new little fella is feathering out on the porch…..


…..Bob’s Your Uncle…..

…(Uncle Bob…..and friend)…

Sooooooo… names?

Something new and unique?…..or maybe Rex Goliath #3…..(?)…..

…..(I encourage supporting the wine label)…..

…..But it’s your call…..





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#rexgoliathwine #bluelacedredwyandotte #redwyandotte #wyandottechicken #floridastatefairpoultryshow

2 thoughts on “There’s Good News…..and There’s Bad News…..(aka~Sorry Simone)…..

  1. Oh no! That is sad, sad, sad. He was such a gorgeous Rooster…..I think we need Rex III…to keep the family name going. Poor Rex II. Must have been a heart issue. Sad. He was a good one. Definitely Blue Ribbon Worthy.

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