~~~The Winter Solstice and The “Star”~~~

~~~The Winter Solstice and The “Star”~~~

Tonight’s the Winter Solstice…..

***The Winter Solstice Explained***

This year’s a more unique one than usual…..

There will be a visual meeting-of-the-planets on the horizon on the Winter Solstice’s evening…..

*****Get Ready For These…..I’ve Got A Lot Of Them*****

Saturn and Jupiter are going to be in very close orbit and/or conjunction…..

…..they will look like one planet in the night sky…..

You Just Gotta Look Up

This only happens every eight hundred years…..

…..I missed the last one…..(I was busy)…..

…..and I may not be available for the next one…..

*****Astronomical Information*****

Prague Astronomical Clock

*****Prague’s Medieval Clock*****

I’ve talked to my family in northern Ohio…..but true to form…..being so close to “The Lake”…..they will be covered with clouds, and probably won’t be able to see it…..

*****NASA Weighs In*****

I’m going to start chilling a bottle of champagne for the occasion…..

…..(not that I really need an excuse)…..

…..(but this is a good one)-(so I’ll use it)…..

*****Rare/Close Conjunction*****

(what if the planets get too close…..?)

…..maybe I should chill a couple bottles of champagne then…..(?)…..

*****More Ways To Look At The Conjunction*****

…..but I’m pretty sure that the 0.1 degree conjunction-closeness-thingie probably has millions/katrillions of miles in-between the two planets…..

…..right……?                           (I hope so…..)                            …..right…..?

…..Easy Peasy…..                           (…..right?…..)







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