The Perfect Pocket Holster

The Perfect Pocket Holster

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As I mentioned in the previous post…..arthritis has settled into my life…..

I think the calcification is what’s holding me together…..

Gravity is having its effect…..EVERYTHING is heading south…..

… what…..

I’ll just make accommodations…..

Am I going to move to a townhouse with a maintenance fee and perfect edging?…..

…..I don’t think so…..

Am I going to stop riding and not own horses?…..and no foals?…..

…..I don’t think so…..

Am I going to stop traipsing around the swamp?…..

…..I don’t think so…..

But I understand that adjustments for aging are necessary…..

I gave up years ago and accepted that I needed a mounting block (ladder) to get on my horse…..

I’ve found that my arthritic-grip has made it hard for me to use the slide to chamber a bullet succinctly from the magazine into the barrel of my Sig Sauer P365…..

…(not a P365…but you get the idea)…

***Sig Sauer P365***

I had a depressive moment over that one…..

…..but just a moment…..

… I got a small/six-shot Taurus 856 pistol with a three-inch barrel…..

…..the double action revolver was the answer for old/decrepit knuckles …..

…(not my revolver…but similar)…

***Taurus 856***

Now I needed the appropriate pocket holster to keep it in place in Patrice’s pocket…..

… appears I backed myself into a corner…..where pistol accoutrements are concerned…..

…..who knew!?!…..

Apparently there are lots of holsters that can attach to various body parts if you have a two-inch barreled pistol…..

…..but there’s a definite discrimination against three-inch barrels…..

…(in case you were confused…this is not me)…

…..I didn’t want the holster in my shoe or my sock or down the back of my jeans or under my armpit…..

…..I just wanted it in my back pocket…..

I didn’t want it tooled…..or molded…..I didn’t want it fringed or rhinestoned or monogrammed…..

I just wanted it held upright in Patrice’s back pocket…..

…..I finally discovered a nice/patient man named Don in Missouri who helped me find the appropriate holster…..

…(my revolver and my holster)…

I guess because it’s a “wheel gun”…’s not as slender as a semi-automatic…..

…..and the frame takes up more width…..

…..well… do I these days…..

…(this one’s a Colt…not a Taurus)…

All in all I’m happy…..I’ve got a handgun my crunchy joints can actually use…..

And Patrice has a holster that fits her…..


…(back right pocket)…


#sigsauer #sigsauerp365 #taurus #taurus856 #holster #concealedweapon #snubnose

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