The Painful Wreath(s)

The Painful Wreath(s)

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Well…they’re not done…..

Do I roll the spool of barbed wire under the wagon again until the next yule season?…..

…..or do I grit my teeth…ready the pressure bandages…and get it over with?…..

…..I asked my older daughter to YouTube some tutorials on how to make these stupid wreaths without too much blood-letting…..

All she could find was how to decorate the already wrapped ones…..(!)…..


Slapping a bow on a barbed wire wreath is easy…making one from the get-go…off the spool…is the painful part…(Youtube wimps)…..

I’m tending towards biting the bullet and getting it over and done with…..

…..I have to do something with that stupid barbed-spool…..

…..(note to self…you’re on blood-thinners…best keep somebody nearby…unless you start to bleed out)…..

I know I tend towards the dramatic…..

…..but come on…This Stuff Hurts!…its barbed wire…it’s not like getting stuck with a couple of pine needles…..

When I’m done…a nefarious/scientific person could totally clone another me…(from all the DNA that’ll be smeared on it when I’m finished)…..

Believe it or not…this is my pre-game/pep-talk…trying to psych myself up to finishing this sucker…..

…..(I’m wearing a flannel shirt right now that’s got multiple tears in it from barbed wire)…(shortly that’ll be my old crepe’d/saggy skin)…..

…..and this is my pre-craft/pep-talk?…..

Well if there isn’t a YouTube tutorial that’s already available out there…maybe I should make one…..(?)…..

With my vocabulary (because I can be both verbose & crudely descriptive…especially when I’m in pain)…any YouTube video I would make…would be flagged and taken down immediately…..

I’m thinking…I might cut the wire in more manageable lengths and then secure it with J-clips…much like I would if I were repairing & reconnecting an actual broken fence line…..

…..if it were in smaller pieces…then maybe it wouldn’t be so unwieldy…and floppy…and pointy…and painful…..

Can you see…I’m developing a game-plan?…..

…again…Prosecco in the wreath…

Here goes…..








#hooah #usmilitary #barbedwire #jclip #bloodthinners #wreath #romancenturion 

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