~~~The Old Fashioned Way~~~

~~~The Old Fashioned Way~~~

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…………………no…not that kind of Old-Fashioned…………………

So…having just dis’ed neonicotinoids (in a previous post)…and all the harm that’s been caused to the world’s honey bees (& Monarch butterflies…among others)…..

I thought it would be appropriate to slam another agricultural chemical…glyphosates…..

It’s that time of year…when my much-anticipated stinging nettles abound…..


They’re here…they’re reliable…they’re green…they’re robust………….they give me welts…..

In years past…I’ve used herbicides…..

Round-Up promised the eradication of the stinging-beasties…..

…..It Did Not Happen…..

…..(I actually think the nasty-nettles swilled the carcinogenic-concoction like a tonic)…..

…………..Fool Me Once………….

So now we’re trying other approaches…..


…..(that wasn’t a big stretch for my approval)—(however…my pyro-tendencies do concern me)…..

And we tried………….Old-Fashioned Tools…..

…..we left our two-handled scythes in the barn in Ohio when we moved…(under my formally lodged disapproval)…..

…..(along with leaving a Hoosier in the feed room)…(and I don’t want to talk about that either)…..

…(not really a Hoosier…but close)…

…..(What’s A Hoosier Cabinet?)…..

…..(no one ever listens to the sage-advise of a pre-teen)…..

But back to the Stinging Nettles…..

My daughter and I were armed with Fire-torches and old/rusty-dull/double-edged swinging weapons…..

…..and…we went at the nettles…..

…..we torched…we battered…we smoked…we hacked…..

I checked them again yesterday…..

…..and other than a few wilted leaves…..

They looked just fine…..

NETTLES—8      US—0


I won’t use glyphosates again…they didn’t work (even when they were double-strength)…..

…..maybe I need to research an exotic animal that loves & thrives on eating stinging nettles…..

A good friend suggested harvesting it…drying it…and making it into tea…..

…..I leveled one of my best simmering looks at her…..

…..there’s a lot of tea out there…..

Just in case you might be thinking…I should try the Dawn Dish Soap solution-thing…with Epsom salts…and Listerine…or whatever…..

…..I’ve Already Tried It…..

…..maybe just malleting them over and over and over again?…(it didn’t work either…but it made me feel a lot better)…..

I just read about spraying nettles with vinegar…I’m sure I tried that already…but the article said it has to be 20-30% Acetic Acid…..

HomeDepot has concentrated vinegar with 30% of the stuff in it…..

…..because the labels of regular vinegar say it only has 10%…..

…..(if someone suggests pickled-nettles…I’ll scream)…..






#flamethrower #pickles #pickledcollards #homedepot #thorshammer #

#floridadepartmentofagriculture #stingingnettles #dawndishsoap #aceticacid #epsomsalts #listerine

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